
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Land of Melting Shadows ~ Crow Faery

There be a portal not far from the edge of reality...
A place filled with Ecstasy and Effervescence.  Treacheries and Torments.  A place that is neither here nor there.  But simply is.
This is the B'Tween.

This mystical place is a crossing.  A crossing from one reality to another.  From one frame of reference to another state of confusion.  A dangerous place for the unsuspecting and those who dare to venture forth.

The realm of the B'Tween is the home of the Crow Faery. This tribe of Wee Folk are the Protectors of the Light and Keepers of the Dark. They maintain the Balance of the crossing.

Crow Faeries carry the Light of Essence on a staff to keep the Shadows in balance. To keep the lurid gloom of night from swallowing the shining auroral stars. 

They hide their faces behind the masks of impartiality. For they are destined to live a life of judge and jury, friend as well as foe. 

Though the Crow Faeries live a self-imposed existence separate from other Fae, they as a tribe are quite social. Their raucous family gatherings can often be heard deep in the Wythern Woodes. The Families are very close-knit with several generations living together.
Young Crow Faeries are trained in maintaining the balance of the B'Tween. But before they are entrusted with Guardian duties, young Crow Faeries must first spend several years acting as messengers. You may have seen (or heard) them on occasion.  

*This Crow Faery will soon be released for sale.*


  1. Love it! especially the second photo of her. adore all birds from the crow family. thanks jeanne!

  2. Love the story, and the Faerie is adorable! I think that she is your best one yet! Well done, Jeanne!

  3. Your Crow Fae is magnificently Magical in all realms!

  4. Her wee crow mask is adorable! And those shoes!

  5. I am so loving The Land of Melting Shadows. Now these Crow Faeries are very mysterious and interesting. And totally beautiful!!

  6. Oh, love the Crow Faerie, I'm cawwing with ooohs and ahhhs...She's most magickal, Jeanne : )

  7. Impressive writing, Jeanne. You have a nice way of bringing the fey world within reach.

  8. Thank you! I really enjoyed bringing her to Life. I foresee many more of her tribe venturing forth.

    JJ ~ Thank you. That means a lot to me. :0)

  9. Punky loves it. I might have to pick it up for her when it does go on sale. If someone else doesn't beat me to it of course.

    Beautiful work!


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