
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Implementing Life's Lessons

I have previously written of some of the lessons that the Universe wanted me to learn. The two most important lessons I learned from the Cajun people of South Louisiana - The importance of Family and The Enjoyment of Life.

All too often Life places obstacles in our path. Sometime these obstacles are small and easy to overcome and other times they can be very daunting and almost over-whelming. But we must always remember that we are never alone in tackling these difficulties, no matter the size. Family and Friends (and really, aren't our friends part of our Family?) are there to help us on that journey we call Life. They are there to listen when we need to talk, lend a hand when we need help, share in our joys and our woes. All we need to do is ask for their help.

So, when my oldest son called last week needing assistance, I did not hesitate to say that I would be there to lend a hand - even though it meant that the completion of our house makeover would be delayed. Ten days ago, my daughter-in-law was in a 4-wheeler accident and broke her collar bone. And while my son is a very capable young man, the stress and strain of working full time, running the house, and taking care of their two little girls and his wife was rapidly becoming too much. My DIL's family lives nearby and have been great to lend assistance but they all work so their time is limited. I flew out to Denver this past Saturday and will be here till about mid-May when I'll head back home for my Hubby's college graduation.

Please send positive healing energy my DIL's way. She may be looking at surgery if the brace doesn't pull the bone back into place.

And this recent accident has only proved that Life can be so uncertain. One never knows when something can happen. We should all strive to live each and every day to its fullest. Every day dawns anew - a fresh start - a chance to fulfill dreams.


  1. Hey Jeanne, I'm really sorry to hear that. That's really tough for all of you. I do hope that your daughter in law will heal well without the need for surgery. I believe that the strength of family is very powerful. We recently had a setback/another big blow with someone in the family (sibling) We're a really close family...and we've got through this before.We're taking turns helping out and every night now at 9 o clock we all think about him wherever we are imagining that he will be okay.
    I'm sure that your being there in Denver is a huge healing support already.

  2. Lovely to hear that your family is so close and how awful that your daughter in law got hurt! What a great mom you are to go help!

  3. You are so right, Jeanne, life is fragile. We get caught up in the "doing", but sometimes, too, that is what keeps us going. If we stop to think about it, we would be overwhelmed.

    I'm sure that your son and daughter-in-law are ever so thankful that you are there to help them. .and your granddaughters are no doubt delighted to have you there too! Grammies are SO much fun!!!

    Lots of positive, healing energy is continually flowing your way for your daughter in law's quick and complete recovery! (and a dose in there too, just for you, to help you feel good!!)


  4. A safe and speedy recovery is sent to your DIL from New York. And sending you a hug too.

  5. I hope that brace works! Best wishes to everyone!

  6. Healing for your DIL and son as well. It's hard when the one you love is hurt.
    It is lovely that you were able to go to help them out. Yeah for family.
    The Olde Bagg waves hi from New Mexico

  7. Sending healing and love to you and yours!

  8. Thank you everyone for all your well wishes, prayers, and positive energy that you have sent!! It is greatly appreciated!! {{HUGS}}

  9. I think we all not only need but want our family to be a shelter in the storms, but I definitely don't have it, so I find solace and joy where I can. It is so wonderful that you have loving and close relations with your family and definitely sending many blessings for you and your whole family, Jeanne..

  10. Sad to hear about the injury; glad you have the time to be able to help out! Sending healing energy her way and safe travels to you.


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