
Monday, April 25, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Cousin Jane

Today Me is doing a "Meow-out" to our cousin Jane in Missouri. Jane lives with Mommy's daughter. Mommy said that she got a boo-boo and has to wear this..... 

Me thinks that she got one of them new-fangled satellites. And now Jane can hear stations all the way from Catland.

Purz and Catnip Dreams... Gomez


  1. Awwww, our Wyatt had to wear one of those for awhile too. Lots of healing purrs catnip dreams and headbutts going out to Jane for a quick recovery!

  2. Oh no, the Cone of Shame! Buck up, Jane and dream of Catland! (cute video)

  3. Awww. That's too cute!! None of my animals has had to wear one o those yet, but I can see lots of loud laughter and jokes in our future if they ever do!! This was hilarious! Thanks for posting it!


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