
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Of Paint, Pixies and Epiphanies ~ Part 2

As I rambled on about in the last post, prepping the house for sale and mundane daily chores have been consuming most of my time and I have been away from my creative corner
for far too long .......

In fact my corner has become overwhelmed with plants and things that need to be organized and integrated into my studio supplies - which happen to all be packed!  You see, my studio used to be upstairs, but I relocated it downstairs several winters ago because it was easier to keep tabs on the dogs, the cats, Hubby.....  I left the majority of my supplies upstairs and would just 'run up' and get whatever I needed. When I started packing, I figured I would go ahead and pack up everything that was still upstairs to get ahead of the curve (so to speak...).
Well, now I am wanting to get back into the creative mode and need some of those supplies. {So much for planning ahead!} So I guess I will carry the boxes downstairs and reorganize my creative corner.

And I am doing this because there are some Faeries that are screaming to be let out! They have been trapped in my sketchbook for quite some time now and they are threatening a revolt if I don't let them come into existence! Oh My!! 
What Persistent Pixies they are!

And because I have had Faery (and houses) on the brain of late, our weekly Sunday Art visits this month will be to Fairytale Houses, Furniture for those houses, and even some cool Garden adornments for those Fairytale Gardens.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have a mouse in my kitchen! In a household with 6 cats, I have a mouse!
I sat the gang down (okay, half the gang - you know how hard it is to get employees to attend those company meetings! I shoulda promised 'em some tuna!)

and had a talk with them about responsibilities, job descriptions, and such. Unfortunately the meeting kinda dragged on and some of the attendees fell asleep!

Epiphany #2

I just realized that this guy, who has been hanging on my kitchen wall for the last 4 years, is Krampus! DUH!

Stay tuned for the next post. I really will talk about Winter this time and pass on our plans for the future.


  1. Oh dear! Perhaps some employees are too well fed?

  2. Haha, cats can be so fickle sometimes! Don't even ask me to tell you the story of my landlady's cat, the one who, several years ago, was spotted, SITTING IDLY BY while TWO mice were eating out of its dish!

  3. Oh yes, I know what the creative urge is like! You are so lucky to have art space!!

    As for the cats, you know they don't like to be predictable, so I'm sure when you least expect it, there will be a dead most right by your bed that you will almost step on when you get up one morning!

  4. I think the cats are of the 'Catch and Release' philosophy. They catch the mice and then release them inside. That way the mice can fatten up before heading back out into the world. LOL

    Aine, I'd go nuts if I didn't have some sort of creative space! I've been known to take over the dining room table....

  5. I have missed you girl. Your humor is so much fun.

  6. Hi JoEllen! So glad you stopped by! Have missed you!! Glad to see that you have survived another year of Christmas Tree sales. :0)
    Now it's time to enjoy yourself.

  7. I just hope your employees dont form a union, because then you will be in big trouble!!!Gotta love cats, though, they are very serious about their naps. Crafting urges always come at the most inopportune times; hopefully you will be able to satisfy the urge and get those pixies painted!! Good luck to you!! Robin.

  8. I had a mouse in my house once, (playing on a corner shelf) and actually pick my cat up and tossed him at the mouse, (several times) but he never did see it. He was too busy crying for me to feed him!


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