
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January's Full Moon

We had clouds last week when the moon was full so I went outside the following night to get some pictures of it. The moon has risen quite orange and was very striking against the night sky. I got some interesting results that I would like to share with you....

This photo was taken when I was standing in the middle of our gravel driveway. The night was clear and cold - the temperature was probably just below freezing. We had rain turning to snow earlier in the day. And the mist is???? And the orbs in the picture???

Another orb picture...... the bright orange dot you see in the center of both pics is the moon while the other two bright dots are lights from the school we live next to.

Finally the Moon.


  1. Fantastic picture. The moon and the mist are breathtaking!

  2. I love it! The first one, especially, should be printed out and framed. Would make an awesome wall hanging photo.

  3. The last moon photo is stunning! As for the other two, are you trying to give us all the willies?

  4. Gorgeous shots..quite haunting (figuratively AND maybe literally?!)

  5. The orbs remind me of the Fae you love so much. They're like little star fae's twinkling in the night for you. Thank you for sharing them.

  6. Thank you for the comments. The photos did out interesting, to say the least. I was amazed at how orange the moon was. Very cool!

    Good point Wendy...maybe the orbs are the Fae.


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