
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Fairytale Village

There is a whole town of Fairytale buildings in Carmel, California. Hugh Comstock built his wife, a dollmaker, the very first fairytale cottage in 1924. By 1928, there were a total of 27 storybook buildings in Carmel. Some had been built by Comstock while others had been constructed by other local residents. While most of the buildings are homes, a few are stores or other businesses. None of the enchanted buildings have numbers only names. (wouldn't that be fun to live in a house that is known only by its name not the street number?)
To see more photos of these enchanting homes, Click Here!


  1. OMG!!! Hubby is from that area.....and he has told me all kinds of stories when he has taken me through there....I so want to be know as "The Halloween House" someday!

    LOL! Thanks for this post....made my mean evening....or should I say early morning :D

    You are the best!


  2. OK, I've never ever ever had any desire to live in CA.....UNTIL NOW! I just may have to drug myself with enough pills to take the 6 hour plane ride and finally get over there and check this place out.

    Thanks for the awesome post!

  3. I want to love there!!! If you were a "Faery Tale" Jeanne, which one would you be? I just thought how fun it would be to imagine ourselves as a faery tale. I live about three hours from Carmel, and maybe I'll just have to take a trip up there.

  4. Love love love it! I would so love to have one of these cottages, or a hobbit house! I have wanted to name our house, but never have an inspiring thought. It is sooooo suburban=ish. Oh to have a fairy house! Thanks Jeanne, for a lovely post! Robin.

  5. So glad everyone has enjoyed this post! :0) I named the house we currently live in - WildWoods Manor. But I am carrying the name with me when we move.

    Wendy, You have given me an idea for another post... Thanx! If you go to Carmel, let me know how your trip is. And pics plz!! :0)

  6. I want to live in the house in the last photo sooooo bad!

  7. I would SO live there! The last pic is my favourite.

    I also really like the idea of having a house name and not a number. I've never liked being labeled by numbers (age, size) anyway!

    Thanks for the smile!

  8. WOW! I wish I was there... there is one house in my neighborhood over here that looks like from the fairytale books...

  9. Such a delightful place , my favorite is the last one. I had never heard of this area , thanks for sharing.

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  10. Some English villages still have houses that are all named, with no street numbers. I lived in one once, at The Old Post Office.

    And it's interesting that some readers picked out the last picture, because the house further up the lane from me looks very like that. It's called Lane End Cottage, but my ex, Helen, calls it 'the Hansel and Gretel house.'

  11. Interestingly enough, some of the names of the houses in Carmel are Rapunzel, Hansel, Gretel, and probably a few other fairy tale characters.
    Personally, of the houses pictured, I like the next to the last one.

  12. BLOW MY MIND, WHY DONT YOU?! this is so cool!!! this is so cool!!

    screw you, toledo OH, i'm moving to carmel!!! :)


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