
Monday, October 11, 2010

Gothic Martha

Ever wonder what Martha Stewart would do if she was into Gothic style and decorating?
Here's a website just to answer that question!  And to help you with yours!


  1. i love old Victorian houses, especially the Gothic ones! That's a beautiful bedroom,,gotta go check out the link!

  2. omg how beautiful is that, jees a girl can but wish it was hers lol

  3. Hmmm....perhaps I am a 'Gothic Martha' in many ways. I'm more of a 'Gypsy Goth' maybe. I'll have to take some photos around here to share. If only I could have the 'Gothic House' to go with my inside style, then I'd be happy! Great website. :o)

  4. Ahhh, I wish the bedroom was mine :)

  5. Jeanne,
    I have never slid into a gothic bed like that before! How very exciting! Thank you for coming over to Slug's Rest and solving the math problem, Mr. Slug was able to safely land his bubble machine with your help! It seems many of the visiting slugs shied away from the math equation, but you tackled it head on, tentacles forward! Bravo! I wonder if your readers know that I consider you the best student in Mr. Slugs Adventures class? Now they know! I will have a qualified sluggy engineer check the answer for you so that you know for certain that the sludge was measured accurately. Kudos to your sluggy helpers as well, they were applauded by our technical crew. I will slide by again real soon for a cuppa brown liquid with you! Love, Mrs. Slug


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