
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Halloween Art & other creativeness....

I am lucky enough to belong to a wonderful Halloween Art Group ~ Halloween Artists!

This group is a wonderful collective of supportive Artists who all L♥VE Halloween as much as I do!

The Halloween Artist website has recently undergone a makeover. And the Grand Re-Opening is scheduled for tomorrow, September 1st ! There is a listing of Halloween Artists, a monthly newsletter (put together by yours truly!), a Dear Abby-esque type column, featured articles, a Collector's Corner Column and even a Magical Marketplace!

So take a moment and visit this FRIGHTFULLY FUN place!
Click here!

And don't forget...For all those Needful Halloween Items, shop the Magical Marketplace!

There is a new Creative Place on the Web, Creating the Hive. If you are an Artist, Crafter or even a Professional. Take a moment to take a peak at this wonderful place. Click Here!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A trip to the 'Big City' and what we found there.....

We currently live in a very rural part of Arkansas. We are able to get the basics here but all too often, we are not able to find what we are looking for. So, when it came time to get some of those much needed school items, we headed for the "Big City" of Ft. Smith, the home of Mr. Peanut. Yes, there is a peanut processing plant in Ft. Smith. (as well as a Hiram Walker plant)

We spent the whole day soaking up civilization. And had fun seeing what bargains we could find... Hubby found the most awesome pair of Halloween colored shoes.

And I found some really neat paper-mache skulls and wooden caskets at Michael's. And we both got a bit of a Halloween fix since Michael's and Hobby Lobby are just beginning to put out items. We're going back in about a month for more Halloween goodness!

Must run... Hubby got some new patches for his school backpack and I need to sew them on. Hard to tell he's an Honor Student (Dean's List, Phi Theta Kappa, Algebra Tutor & Computer Mentor) by looking at those patches.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Today is our youngest son, Jeremy's birthday!  Happy Birthday to you!!
May your Birthday hold wonderful surprises for you!
We Love You! Mom & Ed

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jamison

Today is our Grandson, Jamison's birthday!! Happy Birthday to our very own SuperHero!

We Love You!
Grandma Jeanne & Grandpa Ed!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Summer Vacation ~ Part 2

I know how you've been hanging on, waiting for me to finish my exciting story about my Summer vacation. And I'm just getting to the good part - the one about all the insects I have viewed in my garden over the summer. 

Bees on my Black-eyed Susans.

A host of Monarch caterpillars consuming my Fennel.

A squadron of Dragonflies practicing aerial acrobatics.

And several of these quick, little Bumblebee (or Clearwing) Moths .

And I gave Hubby a lot of moral support while he hit the books with his summer classes. 
He got straight A's, too.  I'm so proud of you Dear!  ♥
The Fall Semester starts soon.... Guess I need to take Hubby school shopping! I think he needs a new backpack!

But the hi-lites of my summer were my two trips back to Denver and getting to play with all the Grandkids! (Sorry no picture - way too hard to get 6 kids all under the age of 6 to hold still for more than 2 seconds!) And while I was away, my little army of Jack O Lanterns (they are actually photo holders) kept a vigilante watch for my return.

And what does the future hold for me? 
Lots of these...
(empty boxes)

And this.
Packing those empty boxes with our stuff!

Because a move is in our not so distant future!
{when Hubby finishes school...}

Looks like Sylvester is already boxed and ready to go!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I Did on Summer Vacation ~ Part 1

I am afraid I have been remiss in keeping you informed of all the FASCINATING things I've done this summer. I know how you have been lying awake at night pondering this!
(or not...)

It has been a terribly hot summer here - the only thing that has prevented us from spontaneously combusting was the high humidity!  (you think I'm joking!) 

And when we have a hot summer, then the DUST BUNNIES flourish! They breed like, well..... Dust Bunnies! And they get HUGE!!! (I even heard rumors of some of the Dust Bunnies forming gangs and threatening violence against the Cats!) 

Generally Dust Bunnies are only to be found inside our home (when you have three very large, hairy Alaskan Malamutes, Dust Bunnies are a common occurrence) - mainly hiding in corners or up against book shelves. 

But this year, they can even be found OUTSIDE!  YIKES!

But back to the story....... My summer began with me finding a stray kitten in the Walmart parking lot. A POX on whoever left the poor thing there! But she found a wonderful home with a lovely woman who named her Farah the very same day thanks to Hubby asking around at school.

And then, I watched my flowers grow.

And my peppers get big and red.

And I found a wonderful Crystal in the backyard.

And.....well, you'll have to stay tuned for the rest of the story! 

Until next time....

Happy Haunting!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's Friday the 13th!!

Remember.... you will only have a bad day if you think you will!

May this Friday the 13th bring Magickal Merriment your way!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Soapbox.....

When I started this blog almost two years ago, I promised myself that I wouldn't  post about politics, religion, or the price of soybeans.
But some items have been brought to my attention that I would like to pass on to you. What you do with the information is up to you.......

Item  #1 ~  Google and Verizon are working on a policy framework that could possibly be the end of the Internet as we know it. The following is an excerpt from a Huffington Post article.

1. Under their proposal, there would be no Net Neutrality on wireless networks -- meaning anything goes, from blocking websites and applications to pay-for-priority treatment.
2. Their proposed standard for "non-discrimination" on wired networks is so weak that actions like Comcast's widely denounced blocking of BitTorrent would be allowed.
3. The deal would let ISPs like Verizon -- instead of Internet users like you -- decide which applications deserve the best quality of service. That's not the way the Internet has ever worked, and it threatens to close the door on tomorrow's innovative applications. (If RealPlayer had been favored a few years ago, would we ever have gotten YouTube?)
4. The deal would allow ISPs to effectively split the Internet into "two pipes" -- one of which would be reserved for "managed services," a pay-for-play platform for content and applications. This is the proverbial toll road on the information superhighway, a fast lane reserved for the select few, while the rest of us are stuck on the cyber-equivalent of a winding dirt road.

Item #2 ~ Collecting rainwater has now become illegal in many states.  The Government is claiming ownership. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties.  Click here to read more.  

Now for the Plus Side!
A car which runs on Human waste is launched!  The Bio-Bug has been converted by a team of British engineers to be powered by biogas, which is produced from human waste at sewage works across the country. They believe the car is a viable alternative to electric vehicles. Click here to read more!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SEHA August Giveaway

The Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists is having a Great Give-away this month!!! If you love Halloween, here's your chance to win some Ghoulishly Great Goodies . Click here to go to their Facebook page and enter your name!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let's Play With Our Food (again)

Don't like what's on your plate? Get creative with it!