
Thursday, August 26, 2010

A trip to the 'Big City' and what we found there.....

We currently live in a very rural part of Arkansas. We are able to get the basics here but all too often, we are not able to find what we are looking for. So, when it came time to get some of those much needed school items, we headed for the "Big City" of Ft. Smith, the home of Mr. Peanut. Yes, there is a peanut processing plant in Ft. Smith. (as well as a Hiram Walker plant)

We spent the whole day soaking up civilization. And had fun seeing what bargains we could find... Hubby found the most awesome pair of Halloween colored shoes.

And I found some really neat paper-mache skulls and wooden caskets at Michael's. And we both got a bit of a Halloween fix since Michael's and Hobby Lobby are just beginning to put out items. We're going back in about a month for more Halloween goodness!

Must run... Hubby got some new patches for his school backpack and I need to sew them on. Hard to tell he's an Honor Student (Dean's List, Phi Theta Kappa, Algebra Tutor & Computer Mentor) by looking at those patches.....


  1. Mr. Peanut rocks! Cute little coffins, too.

  2. Two of my kids went to college in Tahlequah, OK. They'd go to Ft. Smith because the beer was cheaper, or maybe it was higher alcohol content... but it was "special" lol

  3. ptrmom ~ our paths are most intertwined.....

  4. does he also "run with scissors?" hee hee

  5. Hi Jeanne ~ We live in a rural area too and have to venture at least 30 miles or more to find a Hobby Lobby , Michaels' and such.
    Great finds ! Every honor student needs a sense of humor (LOL)!

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  6. How cool! You lucky girl, we haven't been to the big city in a long time! Oh how I'd love to go in Michael's.

  7. Ooo, you just reminded me that I have to check out Michael's Halloween decorations! I'm excited:)


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