
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I Did on Summer Vacation ~ Part 1

I am afraid I have been remiss in keeping you informed of all the FASCINATING things I've done this summer. I know how you have been lying awake at night pondering this!
(or not...)

It has been a terribly hot summer here - the only thing that has prevented us from spontaneously combusting was the high humidity!  (you think I'm joking!) 

And when we have a hot summer, then the DUST BUNNIES flourish! They breed like, well..... Dust Bunnies! And they get HUGE!!! (I even heard rumors of some of the Dust Bunnies forming gangs and threatening violence against the Cats!) 

Generally Dust Bunnies are only to be found inside our home (when you have three very large, hairy Alaskan Malamutes, Dust Bunnies are a common occurrence) - mainly hiding in corners or up against book shelves. 

But this year, they can even be found OUTSIDE!  YIKES!

But back to the story....... My summer began with me finding a stray kitten in the Walmart parking lot. A POX on whoever left the poor thing there! But she found a wonderful home with a lovely woman who named her Farah the very same day thanks to Hubby asking around at school.

And then, I watched my flowers grow.

And my peppers get big and red.

And I found a wonderful Crystal in the backyard.

And.....well, you'll have to stay tuned for the rest of the story! 

Until next time....

Happy Haunting!


  1. Oh no! The Dust Bunnies are coming! The Dust Bunnies are coming!

  2. Thanks for the update. Love the garden pictures.

    Dust bunnies in a haunt...there has to be a way to make that work :D


  3. Those dust bunnies look like they could "take out" a small child! LOL

  4. Sounds like a great summer so far. Except for those pesky bunnies . . . :)

  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one with abnormally large Dust Bunnies this Summer! :-)

  6. Ooh - adventures! You are having quite a few - but the dust bunnies need to be re-located for sure. Yikes!


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