
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Brianna!

Today Brianna, Grand-daughter #3, turns two years old! Wow! Time has just flown by. 

Brianna has a smile that can light up a room. She is such a Sweetie! Happy Birthday Brianna!!
Grandma & Grandpa Love You!!

 And she loves to play with her Farm set. Enjoy the video, Brianna!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


The last two weeks have been C*R*A*Z*Y! To say the least. 
I have been trying to get ready for a yard sale (which I had this past Fri/Sat & managed to sell a LOT - WooHoo!!! ), finish up some projects 'cause I didn't want the Kitties using Pumpkin Stems for hockey pucks (didn't get anywhere near finished...),

and prepare for a trip to Colorado to babysit for Grandson #1 (all the Grandkids are numbered according to age), Jameson, while his Mom, Tracy, & our youngest son, Jeremy, go to Vegas.

AND...I've been spending way too much time on the internet looking at dresses for our oldest son's wedding in June. I am not a dress person. I am a sweats and old comfy jeans person (and no matter what I wear, it usually has paint/cat hair/dog hair on it) Finding a dress for someone 50+  that is flattering and suits 'ME" is not so easy. Does anyone have any suggestions??

Anyhoo....I am leaving Tuesday for a week in Denver so everyone gets a break from my random babbling. And when I come back I shall finish those poor JOLs that are sitting on the windowsill faceless. So be good while I'm gone! And don't do anything I wouldn't do!

I shall leave you with a picture of a project I completed for Jameson. A new Super Hero cape! The "J" stands for J-Man. And here is Grandpa getting ready to take the cape for a test flight with his trusty side-kick, Super Gomez.

Until next time....
Happy Haunting!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life is Good Award from Halloween Spirit

Thank you Halloween Spirit!

Life is certainly GOOD! Especially when a person has all these WoNDeRFuL friends! Like YOU! :0)

Be sure to check out the blogs Halloween Spirit has - she composes awesome Halloween poetry, and re-purposes great thrift store finds into very cool Halloween art. One very talented Lady!

What I have to do is answer 10 questions that Halloween Spirit has ask and then come up with 10 questions of my own for 6 Bloggers who I will pass the award on to. Those 6 Bloggers will in turn answer those questions and pass on the award.

Here we go.....

1. Dog Person or Cat Person?    I guess you can say both. But actually it is 30% Dog Person (we have 3 dogs) & 70% Cat Person (we have 7 cats)

2. Have you ever gone to another country?    Yes. Canada & Mexico & Louisiana - Well, Louisiana seemed like another country when I first moved down there.

3. Do you believe in a hereafter?    Of course! How else am I going to come back and haunt my Kids?!

4. What would you like to do that you have never done before?   Backup a trailer. Can't seem to do it to save my soul!

5. What is the hardest thing you ever did?    Do (live) publicity shots on the radio for a Festival I was the organizer of. (I'm not comfortable with public speaking)

6. Do you have more friends than enemies?    Depends on what side of the family you ask.....

7. Favorite Restaurant?    Popeye's Fried Chicken!!

8. Favorite TV Show?    The Addams Family

9. Favorite famous Person or Personality?    Vincent Price

10. How many hours of sleep do you get per night on an average?    8 hrs.

Okay, here's the six 'lucky' bloggers -

1.  Dorothy of Big Time Rock Show
2. Missy of Little Messy Missy
3. Ninny of Ninny's Notes
4. Val of Yarni Gras!
5. Jenny of Seize the Moment
6. Cindy of Thimbleprims Studio

And the 10 questions that all of us with inquiring minds want answered!!!

1. When was your worst hair day?
2. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
3. What is your comfort food?
4. What was the name of your first car?
5. Coffee or Tea?
6. If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be?
7. If you could be a tree, what would it be?
8. If your life was made into a movie, what actress would you want to play YOU?
9. What is your pet peeve?
10. Clothes dryer or clothes line?

Have fun!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Right" Angle Photography

There really is something to the old saying, "Being in the right place at the right time"!
These photographers certainly were!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Balance for the Creative Soul

I am enrolled in an online class called Balance for the Creative Soul taught by Sarah Sullivan of Cottage Garden Studios .
This 8 week course is designed to help the artist  "organize & balance artistic pursuits with the demands of daily life"  

I'm excited!  And there's still time to enroll if you are interested.  Click here to go to the Let Fly Class Blog.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Those Hussies!

Remember them?? Standing there in front of the window in their all together! For all the world to see!

Well, here they are. All dressed up and ready to be adopted!

They are currently at auction on eBay.

{Debra - I just couldn't resist! Your comment really made me smile and now every time Hubby looks at them he can't help but think...Those Hussies!}

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Some roses for Mom's everywhere!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

'Phoney' Sheep

Remember the old dial telephones?  
Jean Luc Cornec has given new life to an out-dated device.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

STOP!! Wrong Download!

I awoke with the dream clearly etched in my minds eye. I lay there and replayed it in my mind, all the while pondering what it could possibly mean .... 

Why had I just dreamed of  huge fields of catnip? Thick, pungent plants just waiting to be harvested. I turned my head and saw Gomez laying between Hubby and I. And then I realized what had happened ....

I had received his download during the night!
Hhhmmmm..........I wonder what he dreamed of????

( For those of you new to my blog, Gomez is King of the clowder at WildWoods Manor. He's my Art Critic, Garden Planner and Constant Helper. And quite frequently he takes up the Lion's share of the bed. )

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Growable Card

With Mother's Day right around the corner, here is an idea that would make any Mom smile! A card that contains flower (or veggie) seeds right in the paper. And it can be made right in your very own kitchen!

Click here to go to Make and Takes site for directions.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Byrum Spiritual Art Award

I recently received a very special award from a very dear friend. Sherry Byrum of Byrum Art.
This Award is given to those who inspire and encourage others.
Thank You Sherry! This means a great deal to me!

I like to think that "There is a little Artist in all of us." Sometimes we just need encouragement to let that Artist come out to play!

I have many online friends (most of who have already received this award!) who constantly encourage & inspire me and my artwork. And I would like to THANK each of them for all their words of encouragement! But there is one group of women who all especially deserve this award - the Prim and Whimsy GirLs. They are always supportive, encouraging, and one of the BEST groups of Ladies I know! And I am lucky enough to be a part of that Fantastic Group of Artists! (Just click on the tab at the top of this blog to see all their links!)

And there are two people, who don't have blogs, that I would like to recognize. My dear, sweet Hubby - who has never doubted my abilities. Even when I did. And my wonderful sister, Becky. Who has always had faith in me. (And who contributes a lot to this blog!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Food as Art

Why not have some FUN with the fruits of your labor from the Garden??

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day to You!

When I was little my Mother and I would make May Baskets from small milk cartons and we would fill them with flowers from her enormous flower beds. She would write a sweet little note and tuck it in the basket. We would then deliver the baskets to the neighbors in celebration of this day.

So here is my May Basket for YOU!
May the coming months bring sunshine to brighten your day, rain to wash away your sorrows, and the joy of friends to share it all with.