
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Those Hussies!

Remember them?? Standing there in front of the window in their all together! For all the world to see!

Well, here they are. All dressed up and ready to be adopted!

They are currently at auction on eBay.

{Debra - I just couldn't resist! Your comment really made me smile and now every time Hubby looks at them he can't help but think...Those Hussies!}


  1. Ha ha, they're hussies no more! Nice respectable pumpkin ladies now! (Nice use of a cocktail umbrella, by the way).

  2. They are wonderful! I really love those curled feet! Glad to see they got dressed. :)

  3. I love your Hussies, lol!! You really did an awesome job on them!! I think they are my new favorites created by you!! I have tried to tell you that yesturday and today but my computer and blogger are having issues. My post are not going through and my virus protection keeps blocking everything saying I'm getting a virus, ughhhh, hope this one works!!

    Have a wonderful weekend Jeanne!!


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