
Thursday, May 6, 2010

STOP!! Wrong Download!

I awoke with the dream clearly etched in my minds eye. I lay there and replayed it in my mind, all the while pondering what it could possibly mean .... 

Why had I just dreamed of  huge fields of catnip? Thick, pungent plants just waiting to be harvested. I turned my head and saw Gomez laying between Hubby and I. And then I realized what had happened ....

I had received his download during the night!
Hhhmmmm..........I wonder what he dreamed of????

( For those of you new to my blog, Gomez is King of the clowder at WildWoods Manor. He's my Art Critic, Garden Planner and Constant Helper. And quite frequently he takes up the Lion's share of the bed. )


  1. What a handsome boy he is!

    If you see him starting to paw and bat at your clay, then you'll know what he was dreaming about. And maybe you shouldl go ahead and see what he creates. .he could be a very talented kitty! lol

  2. He's mighty handsome hanging out in the wilds (LOL).

    ~ Beautiful Blessings ~

  3. Oh, that's funny! Gomez looks like a cat who enjoys some nip now and then! (For purely recreational use, of course!)

  4. Yes, Gomez does enjoy his Nip.
    But of course, he's not addicted or anything... He can quit anytime he wants to. LOL

  5. Nice to meet him. I have one of those "helpers" too. Love him to death...well, not literally. :)


  6. Oh I just love your blog! I do believe it one of my favorite places to visit. Our cat looks a lot like yours and my dreams get mixed up with the animals (our dog and cat)and what is going on with them all the time :) Thanks for sharing - I usually keep it to myself thinking it won't be understood. Silly me.

  7. He's absolutely wonderful! Such a regal & handsome fellow!


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