
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Puppies....

I have to brag a bit.......

Hubby and I have three Alaskan Malamutes, Kenosha, Elvira, & Boreas.


Elvira and Fantum

And on occasion we will have a litter of puppies. The last litter we had was in the Autumn of 2008.

There were seven fluffy bundles of fur running around the house. Oh what fun that was! You can read about their exploits here, View From the Floor.

We kept Boreas, the first born boy.

And on occasion we receive news and pictures of his litter mates. But one of the litter stands out - Loveland. Her new Mommy has her started on a career that is most fulfilling - for everyone involved! She recently received a certification as a Therapy Dog from Therapy Dogs International. She works at a Nursing Home near where she and her Family live. Kudos to Loveland and her Mommy!


  1. Aww, what good doggies!!

    Much Love,


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Darling! We have a husky, Maia. Best temperamented dog ever!

  4. Beautiful dogs! In the puppy photo, is that their exhausted Mom lying flat on the floor at the back of the picture? I bet Moms everywhere know that feeling, LOL!

  5. In the puppy picture, that is Dad in the background. He was 'babysitting'! He just loved being around those puppies!

  6. your dogs are absolutely beautiful... and rightly you should brag, I would too. I love puppies running everywhere.... they have so much energy...

  7. Awwwww...such adorable puppies and beautiful dogs! We have 2 Boston Terriers. I would have a huge pack if I could. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Jeanne, they are so majestic and beautiful!!! You should be a proud mama of your fur babies and of the wonderful job and love that Loveland is giving!!


  9. What beautiful 'kids' you have! And so great that their pups went to good homes and are bringing joy to more people!

  10. Ooooh, what beautiful furry friends you have!! I'd want to keep them all! lol

    But how nice that you keep in touch with their new humans, and can see how they are doing!

    I think that the program where dogs are taken to seniors, and into hospitals is a wonderful plan! We all know how our furry friends can make us feel good, just with a lick of the tongue, a touch of a paw, or just sitting with us.

    My older daughter, at the age of 29, came down with meningitis 13 years ago, and suffered a stroke, paralyzing the whole right side of her body. She lost her ability to speak, and her hearing in one ear. The first day that I saw her face break into a lopside, but huge smile, was when a very nice woman brought her Golden Retriever into my daughter's room. We used to have a Golden, and I was filled with so many mixed emotions as I watched my girl trying to reach out with curled fingers to stroke that precious dog's head. He never knew what a difference he made that day, stirring that spark of interest in life again.

    I'm sorry. .I didn't mean to go on like that, but dogs, cats and all of our furry friends can, and do, so much for us humans.

    I'm so happy to see that you treasure them as much as I do!


  11. Suzie, Thank you for sharing. :0) I don't know where Hubby and I would be without our 'kids'. They are all such wonderful companions.


  12. Seriously...what absolutely gorgeous dogs!

    And those puppies are just stinkin' too adorable for words.

    Congratulations to Loveland for all her hard work and kudos to her for the joy she'll bring numerous people.

    That's awesome.



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