
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Kitties...

Every Witch has her familiar, which can come in any plant or animal form. But most commonly in the form of a Cat.

Here's a tribute to our Cats. In order of age...

Cursor - she's the old (now 16) lady. She was a semi-feral barn kitten that we adopted.
She enjoys her spot by the fire.

Fantum - Queen of the House. She was a 'drop-off' that we adopted. She can't meow. She can only make a scratchy noise that sounds like she is clearing her throat.

Gomez - He's the King. He was also a 'drop-off'. When he showed up as a kitten, he had on a collar that was almost too small for him. He likes to sleep under the covers with us.

Goliath - We got him at 6 wks & he was no bigger than a pack of cigarettes. He now weighs 25+ lbs. & is a very needy cat. He needs lots of snuggles.

Valentino - He showed up on our doorstop and never left. We should've named him Velcro because once you pet him, he won't leave you alone. He acts like one of our dogs. He even knows some tricks.

Squeakie - She showed up as a young, unwed mother. She wouldn't come inside (despite Hubby's efforts) until right before a terrific storm came through. She then moved all her 3 day old kittens inside (we have a cat door) & took up residence in Hubby's den with the babies.


  1. They are all gorgeous and have such wonderful personalities.


  2. Delightful cats! I'm sure they adore you for giving them such a good home when (often) no one else wanted them. It's so terrible when people treat cats as "disposable pets" and just drop them off somewhere.

  3. Yours are beautiful! I miss mine. :)

  4. they are all beautiful.... I myself am a cat person. They seem to congregate to me... really i just take in all the strays... They bring a delightful nature with them each being unique in their own way... I truly believe that many are those who have passed and decied to return in the form of a cat...

  5. They are all adorable, makes me miss mine and want another one.


  6. What wonderful kitties you have!! And they are SO lucky to have found their way to your door!!

    Hobos back during the depression, used to leave marks on fences and gates of homes of people that we kind, and likely to offer food, or a place to sleep, and those to avoid. I think that cats do the same thing! lol

    They just seem to know, and from their photos, they are living the life of royalty! I'm sure that they all appreciate it, even if they act as if they have earned it. I guess in a way, they have!

    P.S. I couldn't help but notice. .you are two short! We have 8, so you should too! lol

  7. What a wonderful group of animals. I saw your puppies in the previous post. I know you have a delightful time with them all. I have two cats and one dog and they all want to sleep in the bed with us. Makes for a crowd, but I am so use to it now that if they are not there I don't sleep well.

  8. What beautiful kitties! They all look so happy and content! You are surely a great 'Mom'! Cheers to you!

  9. What a lovely troop you have!!! Thanks for sharing. Do love the kitties!!


  10. You have some gorgeous cats! Their markings are so pretty.

    I just have to add...I had a cat named Phantom, and she couldn't meow either! LOL I chose Phantom for her name because she had a 'phantom' meow. :D



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