
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Upcoming Events

There's A LOT happening during the next month ~ Birthdays, Halloween Parties, Decorations to put up, Baking to be done.... Oh my!
But for all you wonderful people out there in Blogland, you won't have to lift a finger. Well, maybe just to scroll down the page.....

Anyhoo, here's what you get to look forward to on my blog next month ~

* We'll be doing something DAILY to celebrate Halloween, October, and Autumn when we join Domestic Witch for a month long Blog Party!

* And we can't forget about Mrs. B and her 31 Days of Halloween! She has a ton of giveaways planned for the month and I am contributing this set of CANDY CUPS. I will also be on her Haunted Walking Tour! (I'm scheduled for October 4th) The Haunted Walking Tour will be a daily feature of hers about a blog that is all dressed up for Halloween! How cool is that!?

* On October 17th, we'll join with Vanessa over at A Fanciful Twist to celebrate this Halloween in a magically haunting way!

* My Daughter, Jenny, will celebrate her Birthday on the 19th
* Hubby's Birthday is the 30th

So, just sit back and enjoy the ride!


  1. Thsanks for the blog award..and for the lovely remarks!


  2. Can't wait for all the Halloween fun! Your tree is fantastic!

  3. Sounds great! My son has his 7th b-day on the 31st, so we're gearing up!

  4. I've been seeing the blog buttons on several blogs for all of these Hallowe'en doin's...I was not familiar with it last year, but am looking forward to it this year!☺

  5. Whooo, sounds like tons o' fun! :)

  6. Wow - you have got the Halloween spirit alive here! Love it!


  7. Sounds busy, and fun, and exciting. :)

    I'm being featured tomorrow on the walking tour...and I even wrote an original spooky story just for this event.

    So be sure to check in. :D


  8. Very Cute Goodies.. I just entered the contest!

  9. what a great post! love the little paper mache buckets :-)


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