
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

They need your vote!!

Very, very seldom will I ask all you wonderful people out in Blogland to vote or sign a petition or whatever. But this is one of those instances......

There are only two causes that I will get on my soapbox about. Native American rights/causes and the care/adoption of Shelter Animals.

American Express in conjunction with NBC Universal will be recognizing an inspiring small business. Numerous small businesses submitted their information and three finalists have been chosen. The winner will receive $100,000 in grant and marketing support from American Express. I am asking that you go to this website, Shinealight, and vote for Sacred Wind Communications.

Sacred Wind Communications (SWC) is a for-profit telecommunications company with 40 employees and has a non-profit educational arm of the corporation which serves the Navajo people in New Mexico. They are building a state of the art telecommunications network to reach their current customers as well as over 6, 000 homes without access to telephone service of any kind. This is a very worthy cause and they need our votes! Thank you! ♥

*** you will be ask to register on the Shinealight website in order to vote.***


  1. Hey Jeanne, sounds like a great cause!

    By the way, I have an award on my blog for you :)

  2. I am on it! Glad to help where I can.


  3. What a great cause!
    My computer is having major issues, but I'll try and go vote. :)



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