
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Make Something Cool Every Day for April

Dot from Dabbled has challenged herself to create something Cool Every Day in April. And she has invited others to create along with her. So....Here I go. Once a week I will make a post about all the wonderful things I have created for that week. I can be such a procrastinator sometimes, so this will be good to prod me along!

And for this week (it's a short week so this was easy!) I have a quartet of creations.

A dozen Prim Easter Egg bowl fillers.

A Prim Egg Pin Keep/Make-do.

And a couple of photos. (I love to take pictures - not always that good at it, but I still love to take pictures!) The first is of my Forsythia bush and the second is of the Fog in the WildWoods.

Be sure to check back next Saturday to see what I've come up with!


  1. Love you art..
    I am new to blog land..
    This Easter Parade is soooo much fun!
    I am enjoying visiting everyones blogs..Everyone is sooo talented.

    Not sure if this the GOLDEN egg Blog, but I did see a GOLDEN egg on your blog..
    Happy Creating!

  2. Oooh, Jeanne! Wow, you are much more prolific than I! I WISH I could make something every day! I love your prim eggs!

    And yes, WHERE IS that GOLDEN egg, anyway? :)

  3. Wow, everyday! I definitely work on something every day, but finishing it is another story :] Your eggs are wonderful and your pics are great! I have Daffodils peaking out and Crocus' and probably a lot more if I raked up all the leaves!
    Did I spy the Golden Egg?

    Great Parade!



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