
Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Give Away

Who wouldn't want to win one of these 3 Fantabulous Baskets? They are just brimming with goodies! Fabric & Buttons! Baubles & Bows! Trinkets & Treasures! Paper & Paints! (Probably even a kitchen sink waaaayyyy down in the bottom)

How can I get my grubby little hands on one of those you ask?? Let me tell you..

Visit the Prim and Whimsy GirLs blog, (it's an Art Group to which I belong) click here, stroll down the avenue and view the dozen Easter Eggs that some of our talented Artists created, leave a comment about your favorite and Wa-La! you are entered into a drawing for one of the three baskets! Just that simple.

Want a second chance to win?? Find the Golden Egg that is hidden on one of our members' blogs. When you find it, leave a comment on THAT BLOG and there you go! You're entered a second time. The winners will be announced on April 12th.

For more info on the Egg's Creator or where to purchase the Egg (As many of the Easter Eggs are for sale) click on the link underneath each Easter Egg.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jeanne, what a giveaway, and what an amazing parade of Eggs! You are all so talented!!

    Are you sure you have to just be an Ebay seller to join? Sounds like a fun place to be if you are a crafter!


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