
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


A little humor to brighten your day.....

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With warm weather just around the corner, I decided to move most of my plants out of my greenhouse. My dear Hubby offered to help with the really large pots (He's such a sweety!).

As he set down the last one and looked at it, he exclaimed, "Good Grief! That spider web is large enough to swallow Frodo! " (His philosophy regarding spiders - the only good spider is a flat spider)

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My studio is upstairs but during the winter months I usually work downstairs because it is warmer. Needless to say, the floor is not always the cleanest in the area where I work. There is often paper or fabric scraps, bits of tinsel or glitter laying about.

Hubby (He's the BEST!) said, "Our house has more glitter on the floor than a Strip Club!" (It's not glitter or Faery Dust to him - it's Stripper Glitter) When I inquired as to how he knew about such things, he replied, "I seen it on TV." Hhhhmmmm.........

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Because I would rather be creating than cleaning house, quite often the Dust Bunnies get rather large before they are whisked away. (We have A LOT of Hairy Animals!) But I don't worry until they threaten to take one of the Cats hostage!

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Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have the film.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know that I have been accepted into the Halloween Artists Gathering (HA31). This is a wonderful collective of very talented artists who LOVE Halloween and create some of the most fantastic Halloween Art. Our works can be found on eBay by using the search term HA31. We also have a website, Halloween Artists, and a blog, Halloween Artists . The blog is brand new so if you start following it now, you won't miss out on anything.

My other art group, Prim and Whimsy GirLs, is going to be having a blog give-away soon. We have three prizes to give away - three baskets filled with an unbelievable collection of art and craft supplies. So stay tuned...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Do you know where the Lost and Found for thoughts are? I keep losing mine.

My Husband said they are probably in the unclaimed bin. Right next to his mind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!

At long last Spring has arrived! I love Spring - all the flowers, the leaves budding out on the trees, the birds singing! And all the glorious colors are such a relief to eyes tired of winter brown.
May your first day of Spring be filled with warmth and sunshine and an abundance of wonderful possibilities!

An Interview

For those of you out there who are Swap Junkies (I'm working on keeping my addiction in check), you are probably familiar with a site called Swapdex. It's a blog dedicated strictly to swaps - current swaps are listed and interviews with swap hosts(s) & hostess(es) are posted. Well, yours truly did an interview a while back and my interview has now been posted. Here's the link Swapdex .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An Award

I am the Lucky recipient of the Kreativ Blogger Award. Phil from Halloween Tinkering Awarded me this. You really must check out his blog! He makes some of the greatest props for Halloween. How I would love to go Trick-or-Treating at his and Caroline's house! I wonder if they give out Candy Corn ??

Anyhoo, I am to tell you seven things that I love and then award this to seven other Fantastically Kreativ Bloggers. So here goes...
1. My Sweet Hubby - Ed
2. All my menagerie of animals (if I listed them separately it would have taken up all seven spaces and then some...)
3. Halloween
4. All my Great Kids and Grandkids (I had to lump all of them together as well)
5. Creating
6. Gardening
7. Reading

Oh how the list could have gone on....

And here's the seven blogs I am awarding ....
1. Seize the Moment - my daughter, Jenny, has started blogging.
2. The Faerie Wysperer - Awny is such a sweet friend!
3. Wild at Heart Art - I Love your sense of humor Zan! And your dolls are cute too!
4. Carrie Joy Art - Always enjoy seeing her paintings - so much life in them
5. Fairy Child Heirlooms - Missy is quite the seamstress and her tutorials are awesome!
6. My Arkansas, Then and Now - A lovely read of family history written for the granchildren
7. View From the Floor - A fun place to visit for an alternative view of the world.

Monday, March 16, 2009

PWGL Spring Challenge

This week is the Prim and Whimsy GirL Spring Challenge with the theme, 'A Bird in the Hand'. Here is the piece which I made. It is currently at auction on eBay. Click here!

Both the bird and the egg are hand sculpted. It appears that this little Bird does have something to sing about - Spring has just hatched!

If you would like to see all the wonderful creations, search eBay with the words PWGL Bird .

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sonya's Mushroom Swap Complete

A few weeks back, I joined a Mushroom Swap hosted by Sonya. If you'll remember, the mushrooms which I created were little Faerie houses, complete with stovepipes. I got my Swap Mushrooms in the mail! They are all so AWESOME !!!

I received the most adorable little RedCap. Her name is Frances and she was made by a wonderfully, talented Cathy . She also made the cutest card to go with her. I also received the cutest pencil topper (or plant poke pal) from Valerie of Yarni Gras! If you visit her blog, you will find instructions on how to make one of your very own.

This little mushroom house will be right at home on my kitchen window sill next to a plant. And the cutest tag was with it - Shroomies by Lara Johnson . And this elegant looking mushroom is made by Kristin . You must see all the other wonderful mushrooms that she made.

And the fifth mushroom is a Wood Blewit Mushroom. It is unreal how realistic it is. It is the creation of JennyC.No3 . She also provided a card telling a bit about the Blewit. Wow!

I have so enjoyed this Swap! Thank you Sonya for all the hard work.

Be sure to check out everyone's blogs and see what exciting things they're up to! And if you get the chance there is a Flickr Group for our Mushroom Swap.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th and Other Superstitions....

Today is Friday, March 13th. The second one this year. The third (and last one for 2009) will occur in November. There is always at least one Friday the 13th in any given year but never more than three.

No one is sure where the superstition behind this day began but there is no written history before the early 19th century. The fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia . Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of anything associated with the number 13.

Personally, I don't feel that there is anything unlucky about this day or this number. Am I superstitious? I like to think not but I do say 'Bless You' after someone sneezes (good manners), I don't walk under ladders (common sense), I knock on wood when speaking of luck of any kind, I like to look for four-leaf clovers and I consider a ladybug to be a sign of good luck
(okay, maybe a little superstitious).

What are your superstitions???

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

PWGL Happenings

My Art Group, Prim and Whimsy GirLs, is having a challenge next week.

[For those of you out there who aren't familiar with the term here's how it works - a theme was voted on by the members and then the 'challenge' is to come up with a creation which goes along with the theme. All the creations will then be listed on eBay.]

So, the theme which was chosen was "A Bird in the Hand". All of our BIRD themed creations will be listed on eBay the week of March 15 - 21. Just use the search words PWGL BIRD and all the lovely birds will take flight and come to roost on your computer screen. (No Messes! Promise!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Long Overdo Report

I have been remiss, Dear Readers. I have not kept you up to speed on my Neighbors. (And who doesn't like to see what the neighbors are up to? Go ahead. Admit it. We've all peered over the fence or peeked out the window to see what was up at the House Next Door... )

If you'll remember, back in January, I had taken some cookies over to my New Neighbors as a way to say, 'Welcome, Glad to meet you!' Well, they haven't kept my plate all this time! I had come home about two weeks later (yes, I think it was around Valentine's Day...) and found my plate sitting on the settee table with a lovely note on it.

It was hand written on the most lovely parchment paper. The author of the note thanked me for the tasty treats and wished I would share the recipe. (Do they not have chocolate chips at the Fairy Stores?) And the note went on to say that they hoped that their Cat, Kallie, was not being a nuisance. (If they only knew how she was making herself at home .... Thanks in part to Gomez!)

I have heard a lot of commotion over at their place recently. I imagine they are doing some cleaning and 'sprucing up' - what with the nice weather and all. I will try and get over there this week (weather permitting) and introduce myself. Perhaps I will take more cookies.....

Friday, March 6, 2009

The WildWoods

I would like to share with you some photos I have taken of the WildWoods. I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Prize

I would've been quite happy with my five minutes of fame and bragging rights for winning the People's Choice Award for the Anti-Valentine's Day Contest on Dabbled. But I won a prize as well! How cool is that!?

I won a Booty Bag from the Etsy shop of handmade by mklee . Be sure to check out this shop for all sorts of goodies - from scarves to hats to doilies.

Thank You!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Easter Gallery Hop

I belong to an art group called Prim and Whimsy Girls. And there are now Gallery Shops open on the website, You can now buy art directly from the artists. If you don't see one of your favorites (like yours truly) there, be patient. There will be more Gallery Shops opening all the time. Check back frequently!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Listings & a New Shop

Spring must be coming because Mushrooms have been sprouting up everywhere! And these aren't just any Mushrooms, they are Magic Mushrooms that the Fae Folk have turned into houses. Complete with chimneys!

I have a set of five Magic Mushrooms currently listed on eBay along with two Fairy Doors - The Crypt II and Noel. Check 'em out!

I also want to tell you about my new shop. It is on Artfire, which is a new online marketplace for handmade products designed by artisans around the world.

It is fairly new and seems to have a lot of potential. And I'm excited about being there. I also have Magic Mushrooms in my Artfire shop. I am selling them individually there.

Until next time....... Happy Haunting!