
Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Listings & a New Shop

Spring must be coming because Mushrooms have been sprouting up everywhere! And these aren't just any Mushrooms, they are Magic Mushrooms that the Fae Folk have turned into houses. Complete with chimneys!

I have a set of five Magic Mushrooms currently listed on eBay along with two Fairy Doors - The Crypt II and Noel. Check 'em out!

I also want to tell you about my new shop. It is on Artfire, which is a new online marketplace for handmade products designed by artisans around the world.

It is fairly new and seems to have a lot of potential. And I'm excited about being there. I also have Magic Mushrooms in my Artfire shop. I am selling them individually there.

Until next time....... Happy Haunting!

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