
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Soul-less Houses

There's a saying, "The Devil is in the Details". 
This couldn't be more accurate when it comes to the Victorian Houses found in small towns across the globe. It used to be main-stream thinking to demolish these old beauties and put up some under-engineered stick built dwelling. In many locales, these houses are seen as a boon to the community and they have been lovingly restored. In some towns, developers have gotten hold of these homes and have kept the exterior but have completely 'modernized' the interior. Tearing out and not replacing beautiful woodwork, ornate doorknobs, or other details which add to the charm, the Soul of the House. 
Those are the Soul-less Houses.

A house in Cripple Creek that was recently sold
The interior of the above house could be an apartment
or small condo located in Anywhere, USA

When gaming was established in Colorado. There was a new kind of land rush to the state. People focused on making a quick buck swooped in, bought up real estate (both commercial and private), and then did their darnedest to turn a quick profit. I understand that the commercial establishments had to do a fair amount of remodeling in order to bring old buildings up to the modern building safety codes. But I think that a little more care could have been taken in designing the brand new buildings so they blended in with the old ones a wee bit better.
Proposed expansion for a local casino
To me, the details say it all about a house. And all the people, who over the years, have left their mark on that house. Our house was purchased, along with several others, by a retired gentleman in the 1990's, not long after gaming was established. This man did his best to modernize these houses and yet retain as much of the old charm as he could. I commend this guy! And it is because of his attention to detail that we have a home with a Soul.

Original light fixtures (modernized) with embossed wallpaper on ceiling and walls, crown molding, chair rails all add to the original ambiance of the house


  1. My daughter, as a teenager, used to rail at HGTV for painting old woodwork white.
    Interesting post! :-)

  2. As a little girl I lived next door to one of the classic Victorian mansions, replete with wrap around porch, turrets, and stained glass inserts in the front door. Two years after we moved the house was torn down to make room for a parking lot for the football field across the street.
    My best friend lived there with her Grandmother, who fixed up and refurbished these old places for resale.

    To get even, when ny husband and I moved in here, we moved into a 200 year old farmhouse and have spent the last 45 years putting it back together. What comes after us, I never want to know. =) So there are some of us who do tend to be purists, even now. And I agree, painting old pine moldings and fire surrounds and wainscoting ANY color is right up there as a hanging offense. (Good for your daughter, DM.)


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