
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Viking Voyage

The ability of the Vikings or other people from Europe, Asia, or Scandinavia to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and settle in North America has always been called into question. But the Draken has now proved naysayers wrong!

Many people are of the thought that there is no way a wooden boat of this size and build could make it across such a vast body of water. And while the crew of the Draken did use modern navigational equipment, the boat was quite sea-worthy, sailing from Norway to Iceland, on to Greenland and then to Canada and the U.S. I am hoping that another journey such as this is tried using only the navigational devices which the Vikings had.


  1. Hello there,
    I was interested in your Viking piece. I come from Newfoundland and Labrador. Perhaps you know that Lance Aux Meadows on the northern peninsula of Newfoundland is the site of a Viking village and now a World Heritage site. I visited it two years ago and it is fascinating...over 1000 years old. Our world is amazing and still so much of it unknown to us.

  2. Jocelyn - Thank you for stopping by my blog. And leaving a comment. :o) I have read of Lance Aux Meadows. I hope to some day be able to visit it. I find the Viking culture and history very interesting. If only we had a window into time.....

  3. Yes, I just read an article about this voyage. They are going to sail it down the Great Lakes next to Minnesota or somewhere. Apparently they nearly froze to death out on the open Atlantic because of it being an open boat. Those original Vikings were tough dudes.


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