
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Melting Shadows

Well here is the new look. And a new name.
If you have this blog listed on your website and/or blog, please make note of the name change. Thanks!
I have wandered down another path. 
I have begun writing more seriously. I am actually getting paid for articles, albeit peanuts, but it is pay. I have steered away from the art which once was my creative outlet. I still dabble but not to the extent I did. There is a reason for the term, "Starving Artist". Most artists don't make enough to live off of and I was one of those. So I am channeling my creative outlet in other ways. Hopefully ways in which I will make money. (trying real hard to pay off bills and finish construction on our little abode)
This blog will still have posts about odd and unusual things, the occasional post from Gomez, and thoughts on the esoteric. But the Sunday art feature will be no more. 
I do hope you'll stick around. One never knows where the path will lead. Or what the Shadows will do.


  1. Love the new look! And I'm sticking around :)

  2. Thank you Aine! While the look hasn't changed that much, the content will. Namste`

  3. Nice blog makeover! It's good to take new directions in life from time to time.

  4. I've always enjoyed your blog, I doubt that will change. I like the new look.
    Happy Autumn!

  5. I love it! To thine own self be true, my friend. Keep being awesome. :)

  6. Congrates on the new book. I am going to amazon to take a peek.


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