
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Road Trip ~ Hayman Fire Burn Scar

It had been awhile since Hubby & I had taken a road trip. So we packed a lunch and headed out. We decided to drive through an area of the mountains which we have explored all around but had never been to.

Our map told us to drive north on Hwy 67 from Woodland Park. This route led us into what was once beautiful country.

But the ravages of the wildfire which swept through here 13 years ago are still quite evident!

This area was where the Hayman Fire took place. If you feel so inclined, you can read about it here.

No matter where a person lives in the country, wildfire is devastating. To the plant life, the animal life and the humans who all call that area home.

It has taken 13 long years for this area to rejuvenate to where it is today. And it will take many, many, many more years before these forests return to their former glory. There were pockets of trees and bushes that had been spared from the fires flames. The seeds from these parents have begun to spread across the landscape and restore it.

While this wasn't necessarily a 'fun' trip, we did drive through some areas of unique rock formations and saw sections of hillside where the aspen are thriving. Plus we found an area where topaz can be found and it is open to the public. That may have to be our next road trip!

Please take a moment and say a prayer that all those fires burning across the country are quickly extinguished.


  1. Wow. Devastating, yet making an amazing comeback!

  2. Scars are so terribly long-lasting. But it's good to see the rejuvenation process, however slow.


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