
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Summer (?) is Here!

Where has the year gone? We are already into the second half of May! Summer is rapidly approaching. But if you listen to the media, Summer arrives this weekend here in the U.S. Seems that Summer now runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Not from the Summer Solstice to the Autumn Equinox. Hhhhmmm....somehow I missed that memo.....

hail - not snow - from a brief shower earlier this month
But if I were to base my opinion of Summer being right around the corner on the weather, I would have to say that we have a month or two to go. There has been a fair amount of precipitation here in Colorado - rain, snow & hail. But I'm not complaining! At least we're getting moisture.
Over the course of the next few months, I am going to be posting some of the articles I have been writing for various publications. (one of these days, maybe I'll get paid to write....) I'll post links to the publications so you can read some of the other contributions. I'll check in periodically, just to make sure everyone is behaving themselves. I know how rowdy y'all can get ....

Enjoy your Summer!


  1. We got 1.11 inches of rain in one day last week. We were thrilled as the governor declare the entire state in a drought.

  2. Have a nice summer too! I know you'll be doing lots of work on your property while the nice weather is here!

  3. That's some hail you got there! I can't believe that picture. I would have sworn that was snow. Hopefully it didn't cause too much damage!


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