
Monday, March 30, 2015

Cat Tales ~ Vote ME!

Me over heard Mommy & Daddy talking about the 'new face' of money. Me wondered what theys was talking about, so when Mommy & Daddy were gone over the weekend, Me got on Mommy's 'puter & did some research.
Seems there's no women on U.S. currency. And there's a movement to get a woman's face on the $20 bill. There's a preliminary vote now to narrow the field. After that will be the final vote. Mommy & Daddy are hoping that Wilma Mankiller is chosen. Wilma was the first woman to be Chief of the Cherokee tribe. Daddy is Cherokee so Me is hoping she wins. Plus it would be good to see Andrew Jackson, who was guilty of BAD, BAD behavior towards the Native Indians of the U.S., replaced by a Native Indian Woman! {{snicker!}}

Now, Me was thinking. There should be a Cat on a piece of money. After all, that's who really runs the show! The Power on the Lap, Me calls it. And Me can be the first! See how good Me looks on the $1000 bill?

I had to enlist the help of Sylvester to get that image. Sylvester has thumbs and can do all sorts of fancy stuff on the 'puter. 
Me thinks Me will write a few posts about the Power on the Lap of some famous peoples. Might prove enlightening.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. I agree on both counts, Gomez -- you and Wilma Mankiller both on the new currency -- what a team you would make!

    There used to be an aboriginal women's drumming group called "The Mankillers" named in honour of the Chief. They made a couple of CDs about 10 years ago, I believe. I don't know if they're still recording or not.

  2. I had not heard about that! I wonder how long it will take to happen. Abby is campaigning for dogs!


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