
Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I have read several posts and articles of late about disconnecting from the grid and from the mind set of our current society. 

I'm first going to point you to a great post about a woman who for the course of more than 3 months disconnected herself from the interwebs. Click here to read what Chris Holly wrote!
Next is an article about staying connected. But not via technology, but the old fashioned way -  by spending time face-to-face with other humans. Click here to read what Michelle Nijhuis wrote about living in an off-grid community.
In the September 28th edition of The Sunday Stew, The Good Green Witch wrote about the disposable world we now live in. And how this 'disease' is spreading in great leaps and bounds.
And finally, I ran across a book entitled, "As In the Heart, So In the Earth" by Pierre Rabhi . I haven't read the book but the synopsis sounds right on the money - ecology can only flourish where there is spirituality. A desert in the mind and soul of humanity will subsequently cause a desert on Earth.

I wondered if these ideas were all connected. Maybe. 
I could get into a long complicated theory of isolationism, consumerism, and probably half-a-dozen other "isms". But I'll spare you my soapbox speech and just say, it is NOT healthy for us or the planet to become isolated from each other and what is happening in and to the World around us is certainly not healthy.  Limit that 'screen' time and get outside more! Spend some time talking to your neighbor - face to face! Go hug a tree or walk barefoot through the grass (or sand or dirt). Practice a deliberate way of Life. And your soul will be nourished - and so will Mother Earth's! 


  1. Very true and wise! I worry about the upcoming generation more than us, actually. They are plugged in 24/7 and never seem to look up from their phones.

  2. Absolutely!!!!! I agree with Debra also - it's the upcoming generation we have to worry about more, but we are not as connected as we should be either. I love my computer, but I would never choose it over sitting with a friend, which I do as much as possible. I also live in a neighborhood where talking to the neighbors is a daily expected thing. And I love it. We can talk about all we want but doing it is what needs to happen and being examples for others. Sometimes I think about how great it would be to have media (public service announcements, commericals, etc, that shined a harsh light on our obsession with gadgets.

  3. Being an eternal optimist I'm not all that worried. Current communication devices let me 'talk' to my parents several times a day (my Dad can't hear). I can track my Youngest at college and we exchange IMs - being a computer geek he rarely speaks English. I send all the silly pictures of the gnomes to my ten nieces and nephews. I use the computer to produce books for them all (insert commercial moment
    And when the huge pickup totaled our Volvo my son was able to call me before the police car showed up bringing he and his brother home. All was well except for *another* trip to the physical therapist for The Linebacker.


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