
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Trail Cam Anomaly?

Over the course of the summer, on visits to our property, hubby and I would discover our bird feeders raided of food and often laying on the ground. On one occasion the wire feeder was mangled and the hummingbird feeder had a puncture hole in it.
To find the culprit, we installed a trail cam. Our first batch of photos, taken over the course of a week, provided us with lots of images of blue jays at the feeder and a lovely visitor.
[Date and Time stamp is in the bottom right corner of each pic]

But we had a couple of night photos with an odd image. A deer - we think it's the same doe because of the notched ear. But the glowing image which moves from left to right is odd. There was nothing in the tree which could reflect any light and if it was a bug, then why weren't more seen? 
What do you think? 


  1. wow, it's so big and bright it looks like the moon!

    I gave up on feeders a long time ago. I think a raccoon was not only eating the feed, but pulling the whole feeder down.

  2. Hubby's first thought was that it was the moon but there IT is in front of the tree limbs and the moon wouldn't travel so quickly. We also thought about dust particles but there is only the one glowing orb.

  3. Maybe one of those big moths that look like hummingbirds?
    How fun to see the deer with a sweet tooth :-)

  4. Could it be a light from inside the house somewhere? Although, I wouldn't expect that to move.


  5. tdm - That is a good suggestion. I have never seen one at that altitude (8600ft.) but it is something I need to look into. Thanx!

    Debra - Another good suggestion because our property is located under what is known as the E.T. Highway of Colorado. ;o)

    Anne - There are no houses nor streetlights anywhere close to our property or the trailcam. Our property is at the end of a road and the closest neighbor is on the other side of the hill from us.

  6. Holy Crow! That is spooky. Great post to see my first time back to your blog. Maybe just really big lightening bugs???!! Now where is that link to the other blog>

  7. Those sneaky deer! I'm starting to think that they're happy to eat almost anything, considering what they've done to my garden this year. It's like a constant battle between me and the deer!

    I'd thought the daylight deer photos were shocking enough until I saw the night vision. Look how that orb is moving downwards! How big would you say that thing is? I saw something similar to that once, as did my two friends who were with me at the time. We saw something more the size of a basketball hovering several feet above the ground. We were in a car driving down a street in between two cornfields. It was late at night and very dark. We were out in the country so there were no street lights. We stopped the car thinking someone was out there on a bike, but it turned out no one was there. After a minute or two, the light just went out and we drove on through where it was. It's a very memorable experience!

  8. oh I love the photos. Me thinks it is just a lightning bug my dear. It is reflecting off the lens so it looks bigger.

  9. Robin & Yarni Gras - We do not have lightning bugs here in Colorado. The climate is too dry. The bugs who live here and that come out at night are very limited here.

    Justine - Creepy story!

  10. Can you post a short clip of the orb from the time it enters view to exit? Tough thing to determine, in my opinion, is does it glow on its own...


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