
Friday, July 18, 2014

Roadtrip ~ Crites Peak

Crites Peak can't be found on any map. It is a unique home located west of Florissant, Colorado and it was sculpted to mirror its neighbor Pikes Peak. This unique abode was created by an interesting man by the name of Don Crites. Hubby and I were recently invited to tour his home. We gladly accepted the invitation!

The day started out blustery but we drove topless anyway. {now just what were you thinking? Remember, the trusty roadtrip car is a convertible!} The further west we went the clearer the skies became. It was a gorgeous day! 

When all of a sudden, we spied a rare flock of Rocky Mountain Flamingos grazing near the road. There was even one in a nesting box! Wow! We were sure to put that on our Life List! 

Mr. Crites met us with a welcome smile. But he wasn't alone. His friend and companion, Peanut, came to see us as well. Peanut is a sweet female mule deer who has lived in the area for several years. Mr. Crites has found her inside the house on more than one occasion when he has left the door open.

Crites Peak is a melding of old and new. An old log cabin with an addition created from concrete with a metal infrastructure. Mr. Crites sculpted the roof line to look like the nearby mountains with special hollows to catch moisture for the birds.

The interior is as beautiful as the outside is unique. Cedar boards were salvaged and used to make steps. An indoor water feature was incorporated into the walls of the foyer. The texture of the walls of the new section mimicked a rock's surface. A lot of thought and love had been put into this home. 

Mr. Crites has led an interesting life and concrete has always been a part of it. His winter home in Virginia is the site of a mountain and waterfall that Mr. Crites built. He has also constructed large rock and water features for others in Virginia. 
Click here to read an article.

As we were getting ready to leave, a Herbert Squirrel came out to grab a peanut and say Bye!     

The rain caught up with us on the way home. Seems like all our good adventures involve rain.


  1. Awesome road trip! I love, love the roof on the cabin :)

  2. Very cool house. Obviously a real labour of love. And I take it those Rocky Mountain Flamingos were of the plastic variety? Or were you smoking something legal in your state? LOL

  3. Debra~ LOL! If we had been tokin' (oops!) Smokin' something, I think the flamingos might have been purple or blue. :0)

  4. Loves Peanut the deer. What an interesting and unique home :-)


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