
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pikes Peak Historical Society

Hubby and I are both history buffs and Colorado has a wealth of history to be uncovered. So we joined the Pikes Peak Historical Society. In fact I recently took over as editor for their newsletter. This organization is impressive. It is run solely off of membership fees and donations. It receives no government money. And the organization manages to maintain two fairly impressive museums.

 The main PPHS museum is filled with a wide range of the history of the Pikes Peak region - specifically the western slope of Pikes Peak. From the Railroads which brought many of the early visitors to the area to the Native Tribes who traversed this country, the museum is filled with pictures, stories and displays. And the museum has wonderful volunteers who are in attendance to assist and answer questions. 

If you're in the vicinity of Florissant, Colorado, be sure to stop by and say "HI". 

Mammoth and Mastodon teeth
Dinosaur Egg?


  1. Don't let it hatch!!

    Glad there are people, like you two, who value history. :-)

  2. You'll make a great newsletter editor! Those local history museums are often full of the most surprising treasures! And they are such labours of love and respect. The Dogs' Mother is right -- it is so important to value history, preserve it and pass it on.


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