
Monday, March 3, 2014

Cat Tales ~ Mes Dream Home

Since Mommy & Daddy have been looking at house designs, Me wanted to put my 5¢ worth in. 

Me found this MOST AWESOME design on the interwebs. It's a house with all sorts of pathways and ledges for Us Kitties! Mommy said she'd take it into consideration. Then Me heard her mumble something about 'in your dreams! cause I'm not getting up on a ladder to clean up the hairballs!'

Me will convince Mommy. Me has My ways!

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. well, certainly it would keep kitty off the kitchen counters? bwa-ha-ha!

  2. Go for it, Gomez! Promise to only throw up hairballs in her shoes where they are nice and accessible.

  3. I want to be a cat born into that household!!!!

  4. My Crazy Cat Lady heart just did a flip! I love it!


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