
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In Memoriam...

The cold November wind buffeted the truck as the couple drove toward their mountain get-away.  All they had been concerned with since buying the property was where to build the cabin, no thoughts had been given to where they were going to place the cemetery.  That task would have to be accomplished this trip. With extremely heavy hearts.

The woman had fretted over burying him there - at their week-end get-away place - she was afraid he'd be lonely.  He had never been a real chummy Feline but he did like the occasional lap when it was cold.  And winter was coming on. 

But the woman's concerns would soon be laid to rest.  As they turned the corner to drive down their road, there was a Stag standing there looking at them.  And in the split second it took the woman to realize that this was a sign from Cerunnos (the Celtic God of the Woods - the God of Life, Animals, Wealth, and the Underworld), the Stag bounded off into the Woods.

The couple parked at the end of the driveway, fearful the snow and slush might cause problems later.  As they began the walk down the drive, another sign awaited their discovery.  A sign letting the woman know that their much loved Kitty would not be alone. Bobcat tracks could clearly be seen in the snow.  The woman knew for certain then that they had made the right decision.  He would have someone to 'pal around with'.   Someone to keep him company. 

May your days be filled with Sun Puddles, Endless Tuna and Saucers of Milk.
Purz and Catnip Dreams...........

Valentino ~ The Great White Hunter


  1. Such a beauty!! I'm so very sorry for your loss!!! ::hugs::

  2. So very sorry for your loss. We lost a kitty not too long ago, very much like yours, and he is missed.

  3. Oh, may you run happily with the bobcats, valentino. We will miss you.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. (Hugs)

  5. Very sorry to hear about your cat. He was beautiful.

  6. He was a beautiful cat. He looks like a noble hunter.

  7. Sleep well, beautiful Valentino. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. Farewell, Valentino, brave and mighty cat. You are one of Bast's kittens now.

    Hugs to all.

  9. Ohhhh... He was a lovely purrmeow. Blessings.

    ~ Deb

  10. I'm so so sorry for your loss.

  11. Oh, it is hard to lose a pet. Your kitty looked like a noble creature.

    PS- I have never seen a picture of a cat not running away from snow.


  12. What a beautiful feline! May your heart soon feel no sadness...


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