
Friday, October 18, 2013

A Ghost Hunting We Will Go!

Exciting news! Hubby & I are scheduled to go on a Ghost Hunt tonight! **cue creepy music**

How exciting is that!
We will be two of the 20 people who will be investigating Miramont Castle in Manitou Springs with the Parahistorical Team, The Haunted Dimensions.
Check back on Tuesday for the big Reveal!


  1. Have lots of fun! I can't wait to hear about it!

  2. How cool! I hope you come back with some stories. I'd love to visit the castle. There are so many architectural details to check out. I saw some neat events on their web site too. I'd probably skip the reproduction wake, though...

  3. Oh wow! My hubby went on one a few years ago. No luck but what an experience that would be. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. Eeeeek!
    I do believe in spooks, I do, I do!

  5. Can't wait to hear the cool-ky stories!

  6. This is right up my alley! Wish I could creep around with you. Hurry with the update!!!!


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