
Friday, September 27, 2013

My Ent

I recently posted a picture and ask everyone what they saw. 
Click here to go to that post!
What many of you saw was a face on a tree. Here is a clearer picture of the face. See the nose?

the dogs' mother called him an Ent. And, yes, He is an Ent. And this Ent lives in my front yard. He is a Silver Maple. 

When we first moved in, one of the Grands thought the tree was an old woman. But as time has gone by, I have discovered that this Ent carries male energy and He is quite playful. The Skirrels (as Gomez calls them) love to run up and down His branches.  And He has such good energy. All the plants which He sheltered for the short bit of Summer sprang new growth quite rapidly.

I am very fortunate to have this Ent peering in our windows. I can hardly wait till He puts on His Autumn colors!


  1. Have you given him a name? Trees need names.

  2. We have a silver maple in our yard. It started out as a sprog in the front ivy bed and was supposed to be an ornamental shrub when I transplanted it in the back corner. I think I thought it was a red twig dogwood...

  3. Birdie - He hasn't divulged his name yet....

  4. So Cute! We had an Ent hanging around our Cabin this past year when we were on vacation...We was always hanging out on our Deck, peering into our windows, and just chillin. We named him Hubert. So Cute. I Love the Friends that Nature brings!

    -Ashlee Michelle

  5. So great you have this wonderful tree's presence in your life. I can't wait to meet the trees on our new property!


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