
Friday, August 30, 2013

My New View

Gomez isn't the only one with a new view! 
I now see this on a regular basis. So much nicer than skyscrapers and smog!
I'll be posting more about these majestic mountains next month.

Pikes Peak
Cheyenne Mountain - Home to NORAD & the STARGATE!
I remain ever hopeful to see Richard Dean Anderson....


  1. Yes, such a lovely view, I'm headed that way in Oct.

  2. Wonderful !!! I loved Stargate ; )

  3. Mickie, I hope you enjoy your trip to the area. :0)

  4. Followed your blog for quite a while but this is my first post.:> If you are moving here, let me be the first to welcome you to the area! Pikes Peak is always lovely to wake up to and looks different everyday. I always enjoy your posts and seeing your newest creations. Enjoy your stay here and definitely pop by Manitou when you get the chance. Take care - Jen

  5. JenJen - Thank you so much for the welcome! Hubby & I really do enjoy living in the shadow of Pikes Peak! The energy here is amazing! Thank you so much for following my blog. :0) If you'd like to meet for coffee or tea, drop me an email.


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