
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Babies and Advertising

A new Baby will soon be welcomed into the Family. The lucky couple is my youngest son and his wife. They were the couple who got married last summer at the Amusement Park. 

Baby Wyatt will be joining us in about a month. And to help welcome him, my Daughter and I threw a Baby Shower for the Mom-to-Be.

A staple of every Baby Shower are the games. Some are really corny and others are fun. My Daughter chose some fun ones. There was the 'scavenger hunt in a purse' game and we played 'match the price tag to the baby item', which is not as easy as it sounds if you don't have any smallish children. But the most fun one was about Babies in Advertising (Daughter works for an ad agency). Pictures of Ads containing Babies from the last century were printed out and each person had to guess what product was being advertised. Some of the ads were quite surprising! So I thought I'd share a few with you!


  1. good grief!
    My mom told me the dr. said to start feeding me Coke as an infant. She declined. (Born in 1956)
    Many happy returns on a bouncing baby.

  2. Congrats to all of Wyatt's relatives! That looks like a lovely baby shower and "scavenger hunt in a purse" sounds like an awesome game. I'm going to be posting something on baby showers soon but it will not be that classy or genteel, believe me!

    Those ads are something else! Shows why no one should ever trust ads. And that one about "sexy innocence" is just downright pedophilic.

  3. Those ads!! The one that says give your baby Coke early....amazing! Glad to see everyone had fun and the countdown to Wyatt's arrival is starting!

  4. That looks like so much fun !!! Congratulatios !!


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