
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Ladies of Manure calendar

This isn't quite the normal Sunday art post. Today I am featuring a calendar which joins together beautiful women and manure in a whole new light. The calendar is put out by the Fertile Earth Foundation. "Fertile Earth Foundation has been teaching people to rethink their waste for over 4 years. For those of you who don't know what composting is, it's basically turning organic waste into rich fertile soil. Organic waste is stuff like kitchen scraps, newspaper, yard trimmings, manure, even your very own poop!"
Hopefully they'll put out a 2014 calendar!


  1. Art in its most primitive form! Just goes to show you what you can do with manure!

  2. Fun idea! I don't know about that poor girl in the trough, though. Yuck!

  3. My brother-in-law, a wheat farmer, may need one for his shop...


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