
Monday, May 13, 2013

Cat Tales ~ 2013 Tails of the Painted Cats

Every year a local feline shelter has a benefit fundraiser called Tails of the Painted Cats.  Fiberglass cats are creatively painted by local artists and then auctioned off, with the money collected going to help support the efforts of the shelter. This shelter is called the Cat Care Society , The Best Little Cat House in the West. 

Me read about it in the newspaper. Me then had Mommy find pictures of the Painted Cats on the interwebs. Here's Me's favorites....

Me thinks this is a very nice Cat representation
Sebastian the Steampunk Messenger Cat
Me thinks this Cat has quite the sense of adventure
Japanese Tea Kitty
Me wonders if she serves milk with the tea
Cheshire Cat
Quite the smurk on that Fellow!
Cat Ballou
That Cat looks just a bit too happy!
Celeste, Celestial Cat of the Heavens
Me's wondering how long it took to get those dreads?
Click Here to learn more about the Cat Care Society.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. Celeste and that Steampunk Kitty are my favorites! So beautiful! :-)

  2. Those are terrific! And what a great fundraising idea!

  3. Thank you, Jeanne and Gomez! --Maggie Holben, on behalf of Cat Care Society in Lakewood, CO

  4. Love Sebastian! I love Steam Punk anything!

  5. They're all cute, but the Steampunk kitty is my favorite!

  6. Just wanted to let you know, I love you. And I'm having a word with Trickster as I see him for you all. xox


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