
Monday, April 15, 2013

Hunting Paradise

We have been keeping an eye on the housing market in Colorado for quite some time, long before we moved back. We knew that once the house in Arkansas sold, we would want to find a place to call our own. But this time, 'home' was to be a piece of property with no house. We would build our own home.

I spent a lot of time on the web searching realty sites, looking at maps, researching various locales and subdivisions. Then came the countless weekend drives to the prospective pieces of property to see how suitable they would be.

Mule Deer
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
We got to see a lot of nice countryside not to mention the wildlife! But quite often we encountered horrible weather - usually ground blizzards! - on our property hunts!

Ground blizzard in South Park~roads were a skating rink!
That should've been my first clue on what area of Colorado we were, and were not!, to look in for our little slice of paradise. After a few of these encounters, we finally caught on and didn't go back to the places where we encountered rough weather and did explore further the areas that blessed us with dry roads, nice scenery, and friendly people.
Stay tuned for Friday's post.


  1. I've never heard the term "ground blizzard" before! In Canada, we just call that road condition "blowing snow."

    Happy property hunting! I hope you have found your dream parcel of land!

  2. That last picture looks like a typical day driving on the prairies! Can't wait!!


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