
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ Living Wire

Researchers from North Carolina State University have succeeded in engineering self-healing wire. This electricity conducting live wire contains a core of liquid metal - a fluid alloy of gallium and indium. The liquid is housed within a polymer sheath that's also stretchable. If the wire is cut, the liquid alloy oxidizes, forming a hard crust. Much like the way blood clots to stop bleeding. Beneath it outer crust, the alloy is still liquid and retains its ability to conduct electricity. When the two severed ends of the wire are joined together, the alloy's electrical connection is restored. The outer polymer sheath is also self-healing. When two severed ends are placed against one another, the sheath re-forms its molecular bonds.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Recommendations and Observations

Hubby and I like to watch movies that are a bit out of the norm. Sometimes these movies are duds and sometimes we are pleasantly surprised. The following movies were pleasant surprises. I think y'all would enjoy them as well.

The first movie is entitled, Cloudburst. A fun, touching movie of the journey of two aging lesbians on their way to Canada to get married. This one will definitely be added to our library!

The next movie recommendation is The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. This movie was made in 2001 but it has the look and feel of a cheesy sci-fi movie from the 50's. In it a scientist and his wife try to save the world from a radioactive monster, space aliens, a talking skeleton with attitude and an evil scientist. Grab some popcorn and settle in for some fun.

And now my third recommendation, Irina Palm. A 50+ widowed Grandmother seeks and finds (somewhat unorthodox) work to help pay for medical treatment for her grandson. I really can't go into much detail without spoiling the movie. And this film won't be for everyone as there is sexual content. But the story is very moving and thought provoking.

Now for an observation. There is a commercial on tv for Kindle Paperwhite that just doesn't sit real well with me. I can fully appreciate this electronic gadget. Both Hubby & my daughter each have a Kindle and on more than one occasion the Kindle has saved the day by amusing a bored child at a delayed doctor's appointment or providing entertainment for a weary traveler. This electronic device has proved its worth to me. What bothers me about this commercial is the fact that all these people are at the beach and they're all absorbed with their Kindles. None seem to be partaking of the natural wonder around them. Don't get me wrong, I can fully appreciate reading in a relaxing location, I've done it quite often myself. But I can't help but wonder if the younger generation isn't losing touch with the world around them. And with each other. They always seem to be so absorbed with their phone/tablet/laptop/etc.

Now for the 'answers' to the animals that are hiding in plain sight in yesterdays post.

  • Photo #1 - Leopard to the right of the tree in the grass
  • Photo #2 - White bird just to the left of center
  • Photo #3 - Grey Wolf standing behind Aspen tree left of center
  • Photo #4 - Green Parrot on left side of far left tree trunk
  • Photo #5 - Eyeball of Gator on far left side of photo
  • Photo #6 - Giraffe on far right side
  • Photo #7 - Buck deer, with antlers in velvet, standing behind brush in center of photo

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Art of Camouflage

Can you find the camouflaged animal in the photographs?
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Indoor Kite Flying!

Who would've thought to fly a kite indoors!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ Polish Salt Mine Cathedral

This deposit of rock salt in Wieliczka-Bochnia has been mined since the 13th century. Spread over nine levels, it has 186 miles (300 km) of galleries with works of art, altars, and statues sculpted in the salt, making a fascinating pilgrimage into the past of a major industrial undertaking.

The salt mine in Wieliczka is a unique development in the history of mining, because the rock salt deposits were mined without interruption from the 13th to the end of the 20th centuries. 

The scale of excavation in this mine is very large, with corridors, galleries, and chambers, as well as underground lakes, totalling more than 124 miles (200km) in length on seven levels between 35 miles (57m) and 123 miles (198m) below ground. The largest collection of original tools and mining equipment illustrating the development of mining technology from the Middle Ages to modern times has been preserved here.

Situated in the Krakow area, Wieliczka is a small town of close to twenty thousand inhabitants. It was founded in the twelfth century by a local Duke to mine the rich deposits of salt that lie beneath. Until 1996 it did just that but the generations of miners did more than just extract. They left behind them a breathtaking record of their time underground in the shape of statues of mythic, historical and religious figures. They even created their own chapels in which to pray.

 The Wieliczka-Bochnia is a United Nations World Heritage Site.

To Read More, Click Here! And Click Here!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cat Tales ~ Why Cats Paint

Mommy was recently gifted a book by her oldest offspring and his family. A book that she has looked at over and over again. It's not often that she gets a book like that. And it's not often - if ever! - that Mommy has gotten a book that she would NOT let me look at! But this is such a book!

I have only just begun to absorb the information given in this wonderful book!
 These fantastic feline compositions are tribute to The Creative Geniuses behind their creation!

But Mommy said that the book was not to be taken seriously. That the book was simply tongue in cheek - whatever she meant by that! But I know now why Mommy was hiding this wonderful tome of feline art. She was afraid that Sylvester or Valentino might get some grand idea about becoming artists and using the hallway as their canvas!

 Those silly Kittys! Don't they know that Me is the only True Arteest in this house? 
Me thinks that Me is going to have to brush the dust off the paints and let those creative juices start flowing......

To Read More, Click Here!

Purz and Catnip Dreams ....... Gomez

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

February ~ Friends & Frolics

While searching for a couple of photos to use for this post, I happened upon the file that was of my trip to the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. I almost closed the file thinking who would want to see pictures of flowers this time of year - when the world outside is brown or grey or white and filled with cold, blustery winter winds. The flowers would only remind most of us of how wintery-weary we really are. But then I started looking at all the beautiful flowers and realized that seeing all that color, all that vibrant life was quite refreshing. And so I thought I'd go ahead and share some photos with you. I hope you enjoy this brief respite from Winter. It won't be long before we can enjoy our sun puddles outside on the hammock.

January was a blur. The entire family battled one nasty virus after another all month long. Not sure how many boxes of kleenex we went through. We were finally able to close the chapter on Arkansas and now we are seeking our mountain paradise. Life finally seems to be settling into a not so bumpy groove.

February is flying by as well. There are signs of Spring in the front flower bed - daffodils are stretching their long, lithe leaves, the mints are greening up beneath their warm, leafy blanket, and the apple tree buds are beginning to swell. It has been a mild winter here this year. Not near as much snow or temperatures as cold as I remember from years back. While I enjoy seeing all the stirrings of Life, I can't help but wonder if we're going to have another hot, dry summer. I would rather shovel snow all winter and not see daffodils until March, than worry about water restrictions and wildfires. 

I am working on scheduling fairs and shows for this coming year and hope to soon have a list posted in the sidebar. I have new projects wanting for attention on the workbench. And I have begun work with polymer clay. As always so much to do and so little time.

I am often ask where and how I find some of the weird stories and artists that I post about. Some come from my own surfing, some come from Hubby, and some come from my Sister. And some come in email form from readers like you. This month (and possibly into March) I am going to feature weird posts and artists that have been suggested to me. A heart-felt Thank You to each and every one of you!  ♥