
Monday, January 14, 2013

Cat Tales ~ Luv My World Pet Beds

Mommy's oldest Kit Kid, Eric, has started his own creative business. It is called Luv My World Pet Beds
Mommy is so proud of them!!!

Here is what he says about his new venture:
One evening my wife and I were informed by our two daughters that “we were going to save our planet and the whales too!!" This seemed a very tall order to fill. But we were determined not to let our girls down. (It’s still sinking in that an 8 year old and 4 year old told us this and not the reverse!) My wife and I, both being of Native American heritage, wanted to reconnect to the Earth and all of it’s inhabitants. Days and weeks went by and then Luv My World Pet Beds was finally more than a vision in our minds. We figured why not make a bed for all sizes of pets and make it worth while for them to use!!! A bed that even we wouldn’t mind resting on and at an affordable price!!! And the best part is, that in owning one you helped us to achieve our goal in keeping one less thing out of our landfills!! The entire pet bed is made from reclaimed furniture!!! Saving our planet from the fossil fuels needed to create new fabric, new foam, and transportation of those items. Every part of the furniture which is collected for the making of these beds is recycled - the metal from the furniture is taken to the scrapyard, the furniture grade fabric makes the outer case and the wood is used to heat a home! The inner case is from those old drapes/sheets that we had sitting in some box in the basement. And the filler is of the same quality that we care to rest ourselves on after a long day. Yes, furniture grade foam. 

We offer a full range of sizes 

Small: 20”x24” $40.00 
Medium: 24”x30” $55.00 
Large: 36”x42” $75.00 
X-Large: 40”x50” $100.00 
Cat Bed $40.00 
*All sizes are not exact and colors will vary all due to nature of reclaimed materials. We are happy to take custom orders, at our discretion of course.  For orders shipped within continental United States we use UPS. Allow up to 5-7 Business days for arrival. Shipping prices vary from $12.00 to $22.00. Please contact us for info regarding shipments to Canada.

Contact info: Phone -  720-833-4719
 email -

So if You are in the market for a nice comfy bed for your beloved four-legged friend, check out these beds! 

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez


  1. Mmmm, they look comfy! And yay for environmental consciousness too!

  2. *applauding* Good on ya for saving our beautiful Mother!!


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