
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ An Engineers Cookie Recipe

Chocolate Chip Cookies:


1.) 532.35 cm3 gluten
2.) 4.9 cm3 NaHCO3
3.) 4.9 cm3 refined halite
4.) 236.6 cm3 partially hydrogenated tallow triglyceride
5.) 177.45 cm3 crystalline C12H22O11
6.) 177.45 cm3 unrefined C12H22O11
7.) 4.9 cm3 methyl ether of protocatechuic aldehyde
8.) Two calcium carbonate-encapsulated avian albumen-coated protein
9.) 473.2 cm3 theobroma cacao
10.) 236.6 cm3 de-encapsulated legume meats (sieve size #10)

To a 2-L jacketed round reactor vessel (reactor #1) with an overall heat
transfer coefficient of about 100 Btu/F-ft2-hr, add ingredients one, two
and three with constant agitation. In a second 2-L reactor vessel with a
radial flow impeller operating at 100 rpm, add ingredients four, five, six,
and seven until the mixture is homogenous. To reactor #2, add ingredient
eight, followed by three equal volumes of the homogenous mixture in
reactor #1. Additionally, add ingredient nine and ten slowly, with constant

Care must be taken at this point in the reaction to control any
temperature rise that may be the result of an exothermic reaction.
Using a screw extrude attached to a #4 noduliser, place the mixture
piece-meal on a 316SS sheet (300 x 600 mm). 

Heat in a 460K oven for a period of time that is in agreement 
with Frank & Johnston’s first order rate expression (see JACOS, 21, 55), 
or until golden brown. Once the reaction is complete, place the sheet on 
a 25C heat-transfer table, allowing the product to come to equilibrium.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cat Tales ~ Catdance Film Festival

Recently, at the Sundance Film Festival, We Felines made a statement with Our Own Cinematic Creations! The Catdance Film Festival
Five short films were featured amidst a festive, feline-themed party.
MEOW! 'Bout time We Kittys had our time in the lime-light!
The  Movies can be viewed online, Click Here to view the Films!  And be sure you vote for your favorite. Voting ends February 28th. And the Winner will be announced shortly after.

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez

Friday, January 25, 2013

Eisenhower-Johnson Tunnels

Many of our Weekend Road Trips involve heading to the high mountains on the western side of the Continental Divide. We usually take Interstate 70 to get to our destination and then travel back home via the back roads. Interstate 70 runs east to west and bisects the state of Colorado. 

Prior to 1973 the only way across the Continental Divide on I-70 was over Loveland Pass (click here to read my post about Loveland Pass), a route which can be very treacherous during the icy, snowy winter months.  But in March 1973 a tunnel under the Rocky Mountains was opened allowing two lanes of traffic to travel under the Colorado Rockies. The amount of traffic which traveled through the tunnel exceeded expectations and another tunnel was opened six years later, alleviating the traffic congestion.

west side of the tunnel
This tunnel system was named the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnel, after President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Edwin C, Johnson, a former Colorado Governor. Both of these men were instrumental in building the Interstate Highway system. The Eisenhower-Johnson Tunnel is the longest mountain tunnel and highest vehicular tunnel in the United States with a maximum elevation of 11,158 ft.(3,401 m) above sea level. When the tunnels were completed in 1979, the final cost was over $260 million (over $900 million by 2013 standards). 

Loveland Ski Area & Eisenhower-Johnson Tunnel
east side of tunnel
And to add to the interest, when a person is approaching the tunnels from the east side during the winter months, skiers can be seen skiing down the very mountain (Loveland Ski area) that the tunnels go through. 

inside the tunnel - the green sign on the left marks the Continental Divide

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ Art and Endorphins

This post is dedicated to the marvelous artist, Ana, and keeper of the blog, Introverted Art. Do stop by and see the incredible watercolors she creates!

Last year she wrote how art and the act of creating made her feel good. I know many artists speak of how art is a way to unwind, to release stress, and to problem solve. Gardening can also be thrown into this category!
Well, there is scientific proof (as if we needed it!) that creating is good for the mind, body and soul.
In the November 2012 issue of Martha Stewart magazine, there was an article about this very thing. The act of crafting and gardening stimulates the pleasure centers in a person's brain, which then release neurochemicals, like dopamine (a natural endorphin), making us feel good.
Crafting has as many benefits as meditation.  When a person is concentrating on what they are making, they are required to live in the moment and not give a thought to the future or the past - the cortex of the brain, which controls conscious thought, becomes quiet and peaceful. But a person's unconscious mind is far from idle during this time of quiet creating. The unconscious mind will be mulling over problems or conflicts and will come up with possible solutions to those things that were causing frustration.
 But fret not if you are not handy with a glue gun or a paint brush, even the mere act of viewing something which is pleasing, something of beauty can distract the brain from those nagging, worrisome thoughts!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cat Tales ~ Cat Themed Coffee Bar

Gao Ming, a cat lover and graduate of pet medicine, opened a cat-themed bar in Harbin, the capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. 

The coffee bar has 16 cats in residence and is decorated with various cat ornamentation. Gao Ming wants to make friends with cat lovers as well as encourage more people to save stray animals in the city. 

Read More Here!

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez

Friday, January 18, 2013

Loveland Pass

When Hubby and I take our road trips, we more often than not go up into the mountains. Our travels often take us places we have never been. This gorgeous September day found us exploring Loveland Pass.

Loveland Pass is located on the Continental Divide in the mountains west of Denver. The Continental Divide separates the river systems that drain into the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. 

looking north from top of pass
driving north toward the top of Loveland Pass
Loveland Pass, located on US Hwy 6, is the highest mountain pass, elevation of 11,990 ft, in the world that regularly stays open during the snowy winter season. This steep, twisty road is considered to be especially treacherous with numerous hairpin turns which make it difficult for snowplows to clear the road. 

The treeline is quite apparent in the above photo. Treeline is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing. Above treeline, trees are unable to grow because of harsh environmental conditions - extreme cold, strong winds, or lack of moisture.

looking south down the valley from the top of Loveland Pass
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area is located at the west side of Loveland Pass. And Loveland Ski Area is on the east side of the Pass.

Loveland Ski Area - this photo was taken in October

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weird Wednesday ~ Solar Flares & Humans

image source
A solar flare is a magnet storm on the Sun which releases huge amounts of high energy particles into space. These particles can impact Earth and the Life on it.
Solar Flares and Photon Waves have a powerful effect on Humans at the cellular level. Human's lower emotions (sadness, grief, anger) are low frequency energy stored in cells. Photon energy is a much higher frequency energy that pulls up the lower emotional frequency so it can be calibrated to the higher frequency. Humans find themselves releasing these lower emotions of sadness and grief without knowing why. We begin to remember our soul's purpose and are pulled to make changes in our lives.
This high frequency energy has the ability to help manifest our thoughts. So it is of utmost importance that we think about what we want rather than what we don't want. Solar Flares can break apart old thought patterns so new ones can emerge.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Cat Tales ~ Luv My World Pet Beds

Mommy's oldest Kit Kid, Eric, has started his own creative business. It is called Luv My World Pet Beds
Mommy is so proud of them!!!

Here is what he says about his new venture:
One evening my wife and I were informed by our two daughters that “we were going to save our planet and the whales too!!" This seemed a very tall order to fill. But we were determined not to let our girls down. (It’s still sinking in that an 8 year old and 4 year old told us this and not the reverse!) My wife and I, both being of Native American heritage, wanted to reconnect to the Earth and all of it’s inhabitants. Days and weeks went by and then Luv My World Pet Beds was finally more than a vision in our minds. We figured why not make a bed for all sizes of pets and make it worth while for them to use!!! A bed that even we wouldn’t mind resting on and at an affordable price!!! And the best part is, that in owning one you helped us to achieve our goal in keeping one less thing out of our landfills!! The entire pet bed is made from reclaimed furniture!!! Saving our planet from the fossil fuels needed to create new fabric, new foam, and transportation of those items. Every part of the furniture which is collected for the making of these beds is recycled - the metal from the furniture is taken to the scrapyard, the furniture grade fabric makes the outer case and the wood is used to heat a home! The inner case is from those old drapes/sheets that we had sitting in some box in the basement. And the filler is of the same quality that we care to rest ourselves on after a long day. Yes, furniture grade foam. 

We offer a full range of sizes 

Small: 20”x24” $40.00 
Medium: 24”x30” $55.00 
Large: 36”x42” $75.00 
X-Large: 40”x50” $100.00 
Cat Bed $40.00 
*All sizes are not exact and colors will vary all due to nature of reclaimed materials. We are happy to take custom orders, at our discretion of course.  For orders shipped within continental United States we use UPS. Allow up to 5-7 Business days for arrival. Shipping prices vary from $12.00 to $22.00. Please contact us for info regarding shipments to Canada.

Contact info: Phone -  720-833-4719
 email -

So if You are in the market for a nice comfy bed for your beloved four-legged friend, check out these beds! 

Purz and Catnip Dreams.......Gomez

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Landscape Art

Seasonal Fresh Flower Dress
(made with small compartments to hold water)
Bat House
Paper Garden
Paper Garden made from Origami Flowers
Lace Garden
Lace Garden of White Flowers and Woven Wire Fence

Friday, January 11, 2013

So Many Graves.....

And so little time.

That was my first thought upon seeing the numerous cemeteries which are located at the top of the hill outside of Central City. There is the City Cemetery, the Catholic Cemetery, the Rocky Mountain Independent Order of Oddfellows Cemetery, the Knights of Pythias Cemetery, and the Red Men Lodge Cemetery. And those aren't even all of them! There's roughly a dozen cemeteries located in close proximity to Central City.
Central City is an old mining town located roughly an hour west of Denver. Hubby and I used to live there many, many moons ago. And of course, since we have been on a quest to see the historic mountain cemeteries of Colorado, this was a 'must-see'! I plan on doing a few posts come Spring about the history of Central City. It's quite interesting.
But back to the cemeteries....

City Cemetery is located directly below a mine on a hillside which is now covered with aspen. 

Many of the grave sites have begun to wash away because of the steep slope. 

The majority of the graves face east - a Christian practice of waiting for the rising sun on resurrection day. And as some stories go, the graves running on a north/south axis are of those who were not good Christians.

The Knights of Pythias Cemetery is located next to City Cemetery and there is no clear, distinct boundary between the two. 

The Red Men Lodge Cemetery is sparsely populated with a mere 26 graves. 

The Catholic Cemetery is in an open meadow. The tombstones here are not as ornate and there seems to be an air of quiet  restraint about the place. 

What is this?
There is a rather unusual building within the cemetery boundaries. As of this posting I have been unable to find out any info on its purpose. I would be interested to hear your thoughts....

The Oddfellows Cemetery is located across the road from what was once an ore mill. 

The graves here all face downhill and toward Central City.  It has quite a few Woodmen of the World tombstones. (I'll be writing a Woodmen of the World post in the near future)

The last cemetery that we visited that cold, windy December day, was the Masonic Cemetery located above Central City. 

There is no grand gate or sign which even states who these graves belong to. 

Only the tombstones and this small shed carry the Masonic Square and Compass emblem.