
Friday, December 21, 2012

Zoo Lights

On this week's road-trip, we're going to the Denver Zoo. Every year they celebrate the Holiday Season with their Zoo Lights.

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Hubby, Daughter & I took 6 of the 7 Grands to view this wonderful display of wattage last weekend. It was fun! I can't take credit for all the photos - the Grands kinda got tired of Grandma stopping frequently to take pics - so I have included a link to the image source of the photos I snagged off the web. (Plus, keeping tabs on all those kids - in the dark and in a crowd - was a bit like herding cats! Sorry Gomez for the reference!)

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And while the Grands enjoyed the Animal Lights, I enjoyed the multitude of twinklers strung in the trees under which we walked.

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  1. Oh, it looks magical! Love the dragon! Brightest solstice blessings to you and everyone at your home -- yes, that includes you too, Gomez!

  2. How beautiful! I love that picture of the trees covered in blue lights. That is so magical. What a neat idea for the zoo to put up animal themed light displays. I'm sure you all had a great time!

  3. Wow, that's beautiful! Happy Yule to you and yours!!!


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