
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weird Wednesday ~ The color of Winter Trees

* * *  Today's post is weird fun rather than weird serious or weird strange.  

What better way to bring a multitude of smiles to a dreary winter day than to 'paint' rainbows in the forest. Over at Dilly-Dali Art, this exact thing has been done using water soaked chalk. (Be sure to hop on over there to check out this great post!)

image source
The chalk was used to draw on the tree and then the chalk was painted with water to soften the look.

image source


  1. Sort of like makeup for the tree!

    Oh, and Robin? *groan*

  2. I think these trees look really neat. I'd love to see a tree 'round me looking like one of those.

  3. I love it! I think they look just amazing. Bright and fun!


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