
Friday, September 14, 2012

In Search of Candy Corn Confections....

With Halloween rapidly approaching, Candy Corn has become a staple around our house. 
And I have gone in search of other Candy Corn Confections. 

First I went searching for the limited edition Candy Corn Oreos. They are only being sold at Target stores. Unfortunately, the Target closest to me didn't have any in stock when I was there. 

Then I had heard rumors of Candy Corn M&M's. Still haven't been able to find any of those either.
I have found lots of Candy Corn though......

***Next week I will be preempting the normal posts (Cat Tales & Weird Wednesday) and will be writing about a recent trip Hubby and I took into the mountains, Colorado's mining history and its present day repercussions***

*And don't forget to stop by and enter my give-away! I'll be announcing the winners on September 22! Click Here to go to that post! *


  1. The oreos look pretty! Hope you can find them.

  2. I haven't seen any of these candy corn treats before! I'm having a hard time imagining what those candy corn oreos taste like. If I run into any candy corn flavored treats, you'll be the first to know. :)

    I had somehow missed your earlier post about the giveaway, so I'm glad you mentioned it again!

  3. Living in Canada, we just don't get to experience all the fantastic treats. We have to drive to North Dakota or Minnesota to get all the fabulous goodies! Good luck in your search...


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