
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Give-aways Galore!

To celebrate the upcoming Autumn, I am having a give-away. But I'm not giving away just one item! Noooooo! I have four things to be given away. One for each week in the month of September. The winners names will be drawn from the cauldron and announced on September 22nd.

See the beginning of Autumn color?

Here's the rules:
1) If you want your name added to the cauldron, leave a comment on THIS post.
2) You must be a follower of this blog to be entered.
3) If you want an extra entry, post about this give-away on your own blog! And then come back here and let me know.
4) Please specify in your comment which item you would like to win.

And here's what I'm giving away.

Giveaway #1 ~ The book Creepy Susie by Angus Oblong.  A fun, though a bit warped, read of tragic tales. Not a children's book, despite its title since some of the tales speak of murder and mayhem.

Giveaway #2 ~ The book Pure Dead Magic by Debi Gliori. Another fun read. This book is written for ages 10 and up. But I enjoyed the story of a family very similar to the Addams family. This is the first in a series of books.

Giveaway #3 ~ The Book The Enchanted Garden by Claire O'Rush. A delightful feast for the eyes, this book helps a person discover and enhance the delightful healing properties in their garden.

Giveaway #4 ~ The Fairy Ring: An Oracle of the Fairy Folk by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. Need I say more?

Good Luck to All!


  1. What a lovely giveaway! Yes, I'm a Follower and I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for . . . well, they all look great but oddly enough I'm drawn to the young adults book "Pure Dead Magic" -- anything with plaid on the cover has GOT to be good!

  2. This is an awesome giveaway! I do follow you and would love to be added to the cauldron (doesn't that sound delightfully macabre?) :)

    Love the look of Creepy Susie, reminds me of the Gashlycrumb tinies!

  3. WOW!! So much to choose from! What a fab giveaway. I have been a follower for many many many many years!!! LOL! And I will blog about it on my blog. And you are a sweetie to offer these great books. Hmmmmm, what to pick, what to pick??

    Put me in the cauldron with the macabre Mrsduncanmahogany and the plaid-obsessed Debra. I choose the Enchanted Garden book, of course!!! When all the other people come to enter they will have to fight us for the goodies!! (snicker) Hugs to you, Jeanne.

  4. Ooo, how lucky we are! Throw me into the cauldron please.... hmmm, whoch to choose?? I like Susie and I like the fairy ring.... I think I would like a shot at the Fairy ring please and thank-you so much ((((HUGS)))) XX

  5. You are indeed generous! Please toss me into the fairy ring, if you please. =) Oh, and I so follow this blog.

  6. What incredible good fortune - to be able enjoy the beauty of magical possibility beyond childhood. I can look back at my younger self and say "You were right all along!"

  7. Great give away! Yes i am a follower and would like to be added to the cauldron for Pure Dead Magic!


  8. wow, amazing giveaways!!! I want it too!

  9. Toss me into that cauldron please! Boy you sure did make this a hard choice, but I decided on #4, just love those Fairies : )
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  10. nice give a way. Yes I'm a member of your blog, and I'll post about it on my Merlins Magical Mistress... I would love "pure dead magic!" LOL

  11. What a generous giveaway! I just now saw this, because of a link from your post today. I'm not sure how I missed it earlier!

    I'm a follower of your blog, as you already know. :) Wow, it was hard to choose my favorite item... I'm going to choose The Enchanted Garden, because I love Pre-Raphaelite art and I'm really into gardening!

    Thanks for adding my entry to your cauldron. :)

  12. I would love to read The Enchanted Garden! I'm so glad Judith posted about your giveaway on Merlins Magical Mistress, I'm following your blog now =D

  13. What an amazing giveaway! I'd love my name to be tossed into the enchanted garden hat please.

  14. Hi! I would love to win Fairy Ring! Thank you for such a thoughtful giveaway!
