
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple Harvest

In addition to the well-loved cherry tree in the front yard (read about the cherry tree here!), we have an apple tree on the west side of the house. The tree is scraggly looking and last year's apple harvest was rather puny. So with the terribly hot, dry weather we've had this year I really didn't expect much in the way of a bountiful crop of apples. But I was to be pleasantly surprised!

My daughter, grandaughter and I (oh, and I can't forget Hubby who got up on the tall, tall ladder to pick the high ones!) picked 31 gallons of apples off of our tall lanky tree. WOW! Were we ever amazed! Some of the apples had spots where insects had bored into them, but the apples were remarkably good. And the apples ranged in size from a tennis ball all the way up to a softball! Incredible! And after peeling, coring and slicing all of our delicious bounty we put 20 gallons of apples in the freezer for future use. I see a lot of pies, cobblers, hand pies, and fruit leather in my future!

But the best part of all these apples, was the time spent with my daughter. We spent many afternoons in the kitchen peeling, slicing, and chatting. Memories of times spent with my Mother doing the same thing came back to me. And I can only hope that when my granddaughters get old enough to help their Mom with the apples, that my daughter will remember the time she and I spent together.

*** After slicing the apples, they were placed in a salt water bath (1/4 cup salt dissolved in a gallon of water) and then drained and put into freezer bags. The salt water prevents the apple slices from turning brown. ***

~*~*~ Be sure to check back on Thursday for some Give-away Goodies! ~*~*~


  1. Wow that is a lot of apples!!! Amazing. You all are going to have delicious things baking all winter long. Thanks also for the freezing tip, I did not know how to do that.

  2. What nice big apples! Our apple tree produces tiny apples -- not crabapples, but small apples just a bit bigger than that. A friend picked a whole bunch and we got back an apple crisp and some apple jelly as recompense -- yum!

  3. Oh wow, that is alot of apples! They look gorgeous and I certainly can appreciate how much work goes into preparing apples. Fun times in the kitchen!

  4. How lovely that all of you were involved in apple picking...I used to have an apple tree where I lived but nothing like your tree. So glad you were able to create wonderful memories for all with the apples.

  5. How wonderful! I bet you'll have fun baking up some goodies with those apples. I didn't know that salt water trick! Thanks for sharing it. :)

  6. Wow what a delicious harvest! I can smell all the goodies you were talking about making!

  7. I have always wanted an apple tree! How wonderful that yours gifted you with such a bounty. Oh...I want apple pie now!


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