
Saturday, September 22, 2012

and the Winners are.....

First, I would like to say THANK YOU to Everyone who stopped by my blog during this Autumn Giveaway! Y'all are WONDERFUL!!!!

I wrote the names on bits of paper, threw them into the cauldron, stirred and stirred and Hubby stuck his arm into the frothy mix to draw forth the names of the winners ~

Book #1  Creepy Susie - mrsduncanmahogany

Book #2  Pure Dead Magic - Debra She Who Seeks

Book #3  The Enchanted Garden - Justine's Halloween

Book #4  The Fairy Ring - Annette L

If you wonderful Ladies will please send me an email ( with your snail mail addys, I will get your books packaged up and shipped off. 

Autumn Blessings to each and everyone!


  1. Congrats to the lucky winners!
    Happy First Day of Autumn!!!

  2. Woo hoo! This makes my Autumn Equinox even MORE special! Thank you so much and I will email you right away!

    Mabon blessings to you and your family!

  3. Right on! Oh happy day, congrats to the winners! Happy Mabon indeed!

  4. YAY! You have seriously just made my day! :) I'll send my address to you right away. Thanks!

  5. Congrats to the winners! Perfect for Mabon. Have a beautiful Mabon Jeanne, full of kitty purrs and sweet comforts.


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