
Friday, August 31, 2012

This, That & Things To Come.....

No road trip this week. But next week we're going to take a drive over Boreas Pass. So be sure to get your rest and pack a lunch 'cause it's quite a trek up and over the Continental Divide!

And in the meantime, I'd like to remind everyone to check out my eBay listings - I have a few more vintage flower pots at auction along with some very vintage garden posters.  CLICK HERE!

Sorry, no Etsy craft listings yet - I've been busy with apple harvest! Hopefully, next week I'll have some things up for sale.

I was recently gifted with a blog award from Rene of Confessions of a Modern Witch . Thank you SO MUCH Rene!! I feel honored to be called an Inspiring Blogger!  I do hope everyone stops by Rene's blog for a read. And really, it's all YOU readers out there in blogland that INSPIRE ME!

Now for the Things To Come..... In the month of September, I am going to have not one, not two, but FOUR give-aways. So be sure to stay tuned!


  1. I'm having two giveaways myself in September -- things just tend to clump up, don't they?

  2. I clearly need to get on the giveaway bandwagon...maybe when I reach 20 followers? Oh, you might be waiting awhile....perhaps my 100th post! Hmmmm, something to think about!


I'd love to hear from you....